Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What is hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating?

Hyperhidrosis is a common disorder in which a person sweats excessively and uncontrollably. It is a disturbing and embarrassing disorder, which can cause a lot of discomfort for patients. Sweating is a natural phenomenon, but when it gets out of control, then it can become a nuisance.

Excessive sweating can be a pain, and this is something that patients with hyperhidrosis have to live with. There are two main types of this disorder, hyperhidrosis is one primary and the other is secondary hyperhidrosis. In the underlying disease, patients sweat in one or several areas of the body such as the hands, face and feet. In the latter type, excessive sweating can occur all over the body.

There can be many causes of this condition relentless, and can sometimes be incredibly difficult to diagnose a cause. It is also seen that excessive sweating and perspiration runs in families, and may be transmitted to offspring. This disorder is basically caused by a defect in the nervous system, which creates overactive sweat glands. When the sweat glands become overactive, producing sweat for no reason. In most cases, people sweat when it's hot, or if they are nervous, but in this case, people begin to sweat too much, without external factors. 

Studies have shown that hyperhidrosis develops during childhood, and can worsen the patient grows. It can also be particularly evident during puberty and young adulthood. It can be genetic, or it can also be caused by other factors, such as brain damage, nerve damage and side effects of medications. This condition can be aggravated by heat, and other factors. 

Hyperhidrosis can be a debilitating disease, which can make it very difficult for the patients to lead a normal life. Since excessive sweating may occur at any time, patients start shying away from social contact and relationships, which has a negative effect on their mental health. You can also make it difficult to hold down a job, because sweating of the hands may hamper the working capacity of the patient. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor immediately if you or your child has hyperhidrosis. 

Early diagnosis of hyperhidrosis can make it much easier to control the disorder. Now there are many different treatments that patients can try until you find one that works for them. Although the problem may never disappear, it can certainly be controlled to an extent.

* Note : Image from Internet

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