Friday, December 6, 2013

HGH Therapy can improve your height?

The most common question that most people ask for the first time they hear about the human growth hormone (HGH) is if you can help them grow taller. The answer for this question is a resounding " no. " That is, unless you're a child who is still in your growth phase.

HGH is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain and is responsible for the growth and development of the human body. However, the pituitary gland is not always at its peak production of HGH. Several reasons, such as an abnormal pituitary gland or hormone imbalance can lead to insufficient levels of HGH in the body.

Children who suffer from deficiency of HGH production generally have a slower growth in height. Some children with low levels of HGH in their bodies usually have more body fat around the waist and tend to look younger than their actual age. Some may also experience a slower development of the dental arch.

If you think, the child's physical development is slow, you should consult your pediatrician as soon as possible. The treatments are most effective when administered during the first years of a child's development, before the bone structure of the child ceases to grow. Human growth hormone injections are often used to bring the child's development speed, and about six weekly injections must be given for the child. These are prescribed HGH injections that are not only time consuming, but also very expensive.

HGH injections with IGF-1, will help to increase the height of the child by stimulating the cells on bone. These injections, however, are not only expensive, but it does not really work with people who are just naturally short and have no hormonal deficiency. It is also very difficult to control the dose, unless administered by a physician. 

HGH supplements are the most preferred of HGH injections, because you can easily control the dose and has no known side effects. HGH supplements and HGH releasers contain the same amino acids that stimulate the body's natural hormone human growth.

For several years, HGH supplements are also gaining popularity among adults who want to delay the aging process. Although many have found these supplements effective in restoring the normal functioning of the body and slow the aging process, there really is no scientific evidence to establish the effects of hGH on height of an adult. 

But even without a direct effect on the stature of an adult, you can still benefit from doing HGH supplements a part of your daily routine. Popular brands such as HGH Advanced can improve the immune system, restore the elasticity of the skin, help maintain a trim body due to a faster metabolism, build strength and improve muscle tone. 

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