Saturday, December 14, 2013

How to live a healthy life - Easy and fun

How to live a healthy lifestyle is a topic we have been bombarded with over the last decade. The result is a true healthy lifestyle from a balanced lifestyle. The key points of a balanced lifestyle include having adequate time for work, family and relationships, relaxation and fun. In order to maintain a healthy balance there has to be a combination of exercise, a balanced diet, reducing caffeine and sugar, avoid alcohol, tobacco and drugs, stress reduction and getting enough sleep.

Physical activity and exercise are good for the prevention and reduction of stress. A combination of stretching, muscle toning and aerobic tends to be the best. You should get 30 minutes of exercise at least three times a week. The best news is that you do not need to do all 30 minutes at once. It was shown that breaking it down into small 10 to 15-minute intervals is equally beneficial. 

Walking is a great exercise and can be easily incorporated into your day. Try parking in the farthest space, rather than space as possible. Take a few trips around the store with your shopping cart before you start your shopping. This is especially useful during the winter months in colder climates. Bring your purchases to your car rather than pushing them in a cart helps improve muscle tone as well as give you an aerobic workout. 

A healthy lifestyle requires a sensible diet. Eat three moderate or five small meals consist of a balanced diet regularly dispersed throughout the day also helps keep your blood sugar and fuel for your mind and body. Caffeine and sugar should be limited, because the body treats them both as drugs. They can affect hormone and fluctuations in blood sugar and lead to increased production of stress.

Your diet should include protein, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, carbohydrates and fats. Lean protein (such as beef, pork, chicken, fish, legumes, eggs and dairy products, with reduced fat) are preferable to non-lean protein (such as fatty cuts of meat, meat offal, bacon and sausage) and processed meat ( such as meat meal). These cuts fatter should be kept to a minimum and generally limited to servings per week. Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt provide calcium and protein. A few servings of these should be included in a daily diet plan. 

Fruits and vegetables should make up the majority of your diet. A wide range of fruits and vegetables provides variety and provides a better balance of vitamins and minerals. 

Carbohydrates are important for maintaining energy and help with mental clarity. They should be kept to servings per day. Whole grains are more useful because they provide more vitamins and nutrients and are metabolized at a slower rate, reducing blood sugar spikes.

Fats are essential for human nutrition. They provide essential fatty acids and allow better absorption of nutrients. The best choices are olive oils, canola oils, walnuts and walnut oil. 

Physical exercise and diet alone are not the answer for a lifestyle healthy. The use of cigarettes, drugs and alcohol should be avoided. However, there is evidence that alcohol used in small quantities can be helpful. These studies have concluded that a glass of red wine with dinner may be useful for the protection of the brain, heart and lungs. It is thought to prevent prostate cancer and breast cancer, reduce inflammation and increase longevity. 

The stress tends to be different from person to person. Stressors can come from personal, family, financial, accounting and professional issues, but are not limited to any specifications. The most important step to managing stress is identifying stressors in your life. Once you have identified what you stressed out, you can begin to work on the issues.

The maintenance of a newspaper stress can be useful for the identification of stress factors. You should keep track of: what caused you stress, how you felt physically and emotionally, your response actions and what you have done to make you feel better.

Once you have identified the stressors you should change the situation by avoiding or alteration. Then work on changing reactions adapting and accepting. Do not forget to moments of relaxation and fun. 

Do not underestimate the value of sleep in a healthy lifestyle. Sleep allows your body and mind to refuel, regenerate and energize. Get enough sleep increases your ability to think clearly, react appropriately, maintain motivation and give you the strength to see the different aspects of your life. 

While it is impossible to include all these aspects newspapers, the most usual is to include the better your chances of maintaining a healthy lifestyle become. Take a few minutes and think about what you did today. What can you do to improve? How can you live a healthy lifestyle? 

* Note : Image from Internet

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