Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Building Your Energy: 5 Ways to instant gratification

I'm a big fan of instant gratification. As an acupuncturist, I both encourage and believe in the power of the small and gradual changes, but I still yearn for a big change in minimal time. It 's our nature wants a quick-fix .. that's why we buy so many weight loss aids tickets and lotto. We want a lot of whatever it is we want, and we want it now. In the course of my practice, I noticed that this is especially true for the energy levels. Nobody seems to have enough energy. Everyone wants a boost. They want a huge boost, and they wanted it yesterday.

When I started graduate school, I was exhausted all the time. I used to waitress hours (staying up all night, sleeping late.) My body just could not get used to my new schedule, and was dragging me through my classes. One day, I went to GNC and asked for the strongest energy drink that I could find. I drank it the next day before the class. I do not know what was in that drink, but within an hour of drinking it, I started to sweat profusely, actually my wounded heart from pounding so hard, and I became intensely nauseous. I also started to salivate profusely. I felt like I could easily run the 30 miles to the emergency room, though. Shortly after this experience, I joined a gym, and after about two weeks of training, I had more sleep. 

Point is, I knew that exercise would increase my energy levels. And I knew that it would not even take much time. But it would be even longer swallowing the drink terribly dangerous, so I based my decision on. The path to long-term changes takes time, but that does not mean that there are not some quick-fix available to start us off. So, today, I'm going to discuss some ways to make an immediate difference in your energy levels. 

1. I know it's been said many times, but have breakfast! And eat something with lots of protein and some fats that will keep you going much longer than carbohydrates. My energy seems to always stay high when I eat peanut butter for breakfast, but eat what works for you. I created a breakfast item that years ago. I swear. It seems to have almost magical powers. When I started drinking it, my energy levels went up, I was full for hours, and I lost the weight within the week. It was the easiest thing: Designer protein whey powder, water and an apple. The only reason I do not drink it every day is that it requires a blender, and I'm lazy. Dissolving food in a blender just seems like too much work in the morning, when I'm always around. But try it for yourself and see what you think! 

2. Even if you are not thirsty, have a big glass of water when you wake up. If you have time to prepare green tea, even better. Most of us are dehydrated, even if you do not realize it. The symptoms of dehydration begin with fatigue. 

3. You can eat the healthiest diet throughout the world. Even so, taking a multivitamin. It only takes a second, and it will make a huge difference in how you feel. If you have the money, try vitamins Nutrimetrix. They are, by far, the best vitamins I have ever taken. I had tons of energy when was taking them. Unfortunately, they are expensive. I think it was $ 60 for a three-month supply. They are worth every penny, but if you cannot afford that, just take the drugstore brand. Make sure to eat with them, so that your body cannot properly process them. 

4. Get your heart pounding. No need to go to the gym for an hour to do this. In fact, if you are paddling away slowly on the elliptical machine for an hour, you cannot do much. If you are planning a visit to the gym, running up the stairs quickly, or do a few minutes of puppets. If you're in the gym, make sure you are actually showing signs of fatigue. You must be at least a little out of breath, sweating, feeling the heart beat faster. It should be a bit difficult to carry on a conversation. If you're not breaking a sweat, you're probably not working hard enough to build up your energy levels. 

5. In the world of acupuncture, the fatigue comes from one of two causes deficiency or stagnation. If you are stagnant, your energy is blocked from flowing smoothly. It just sitting there ... and so it is. If the deficit is the problem, it just does not have enough energy access. Acupuncture is a great way to build both and move energy. If you do not have time for a session today, there are some points that will stimulate your energy and get you going. 

One point is at the top of the head. If you create a line from the top of the ears to the top of the head, there is a point called GV20. Stimulate this point causes the energy to climb to the head, bringing a sense of lucidity. 

Students of acupuncture needles used to leave at this point during exams, to facilitate memory, up to this little trick was discovered and banned. When searching for the point, you may need to feel a little around, you should feel a little feeling when you hit the right place. Sometimes the point is a bit squishy to the touch, and feel more sensitive than the surrounding area. When you press the point, press and massage for a few minutes. Another point to use it on my legs. Rest the hand slightly below the knee, with the index finger resting on the bottom of your kneecap. In this position, the little finger should be placed approximately three inches down from the knee. At the level of the little finger, there will be a point approximately 1/2 inch lateral to the bone. Palpate around until it will be sensible. This is Stomach 36, one of the most powerful acupuncture points of the body. Massage this point for a few minutes to get the energy flowing

* Note : Image from Internet

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