Saturday, January 18, 2014

How to stop sweating excessively, permanently and naturally

The main reason for sweating is for your body to release the build-up of heat within our bodies. Why do some people sweat more than others and how to stop sweating excessively? Before entering the strategies on how to stop sweating, try to understand why some of us sweat more than others, and above all, the stimulus behind him.

High metabolic rate is a stimulus for the sweating. Because the body processes food at a much higher rate, produces additional heat within the body. In order to release heat, the pores are forced and the body starts to sweat. During puberty and menopause, your body goes through a lot of changes that produce heat. Even this will cause a significant increase in sweating.

Emotions are a huge incentive for excessive sweating. The ups and downs Roller Coaster in our emotions, create a great deal of stress to say nothing of neurological reactions, and the body's natural reaction to all this is to sweat. Some drugs stimulate the sweat glands, which translates into increased sweating as well. Some cancer drugs and diabetes-related cause side effects. 

Now, it will be clear why the following recommendations on how to stop sweating works. Some suggestions will be linked to a specific trigger, but they are all powerful in the fight against hyperhidrosis. 

Tip 1 : Keep your cool and you'll discover how to stop sweating. Your body temperature will be cooler, while in the rest of the state or relax. In this way, there is an excessive build-up of heat within the body and therefore, no requirement for the body to sweat. Deep breathing, yoga and meditation techniques are perfect to keep your body cool and quiet. 

Tip 2 : Good hydration. Water can detoxify the body and flush toxins and waste. Drinking more alcohol, soft drinks and tea on the downside only poison the system.

Tip 3 : Look at what you eat. Some foods such as chili peppers, spices, garlic, etc. to increase the body temperature and sweating triggers, so it is best to avoid them. 

Tip 4 : Keep a regular exercise regimen. Exercises to improve the flow of blood and energy and keep the body functioning properly. Excessive sweating is not normal, and a sign that the body is not in good condition. So if you want to know how to stop sweating excessively, it is necessary, first of all, to keep the body in good shape and health.

Tip 5 : magnesium and vitamin B are ideal to cleanse the body. The magnesium helps to detoxify the body and, therefore, make sure that it can work better. Vitamin B manages the function within the body so that the body is more able to maintain the proper level of cooling. 

Tip 6 : dress comfortably and wisely. Tight-fitting clothes obstruct the flow of air and is more likely to make you feel warmer and sweat more so. Similarly, do not wear the vest in the hope that it can absorb your sweat or a coat to hide the sweat stains under the arms. It is to incubate the heat inside of your body and just make you sweat more. 

Tip 7 : Finally, talk to your family doctor and get a thorough examination and diagnosis for your condition hyperhidrosis as it could lead to a weakness in the specific function of the body or any health problems that you should be aware of. For information on how to stop sweating excessively, then you will have to deal with these conditions root.

* Note : Image from Internet

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