Monday, January 13, 2014

Food can Cure skin with Acne?

The diet is one of the most vital factors when it comes to dealing with acne. Wrong choice of food may not cause oily skin, can also weaken parts of the body that fight acne. So you want to make sure that you eat right as the number of acne on the skin can directly relate to the type of food they consume. You can also take advantage of some foods such as topical treatments.

Vegetables and Fruits. 

Sweet potatoes, broccoli, dandelion greens, chard, mango and papaya will provide more than enough vitamin E. and rosemary, cauliflower, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, melon, tomato, watermelon, cranberries, red pepper and onions that make it easy for you to take in a healthy level of vitamin C every day. Vitamins are some of the best nutrients your body can digest. Beans and peanuts will give you a good dose of vitamins B5 and B6, and grain foods are the primary source of folic acid. Eat plenty of whole-grain bread, lentils, peas eyed blacks, beans, sunflower seeds, asparagus and spinach. 

Fish Oil. 

One of the best natural substances can be used to combat acne is fish oil. We also get a healthy serving of Omega-3 fatty gr axes, which carry potent, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. And so it offers a great amount of vitamin A and zinc, which help to heal the skin and prevent scarring. Mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are all prime sources of Omega-3. 

Food Cream.

You can also take advantage of some foods such as topical creams. A well-known remedy is a honey facial that serve as antiseptic and antibacterial. This is really simple, all you need is a little fresh honey, honey massage to the affected area of ​​your skin with a spoon and pat down until it is not sticky. Leave it there for about five minutes, after five minutes, use a cloth and water to remove it. The enzymes in honey as an antimicrobial run and help invigorate the skin.


A substance found in lemons called glycolic acid to help clear up acne on the skin. Start by cleaning your face with water and a towel. Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl, then soak a cotton ball in the juice and apply it to your face. After drying for about 10 minutes, rinse with cold water. Lemon's juice can give a burning sensation, but do not worry, that should happen. If your skin is very sensitive, you can dilute the juice with water. 

What to Avoid.

Dairy products such as milk can be a problem for those who suffer from acne. Milk contains hormones that may worsen acne by increasing sebum production and stimulating the enlargement of skin cells. It can also cause the production of high insulin, which causes acne, as well as inflammation. There are many foods rich in calcium, which can be used as a substitute for milk. 

Leave the fried chicken, fast food, bag of chips, and try a healthy snack alternative. It is not at all good to eat a lot of junk food, and that is even worse when you fight acne. Iodine-rich foods such as liver, cheese, iodized salt, clams, shrimp and seafood are so associated with acne. Sugars and artificial sweeteners weaken the glucose tolerance of your skin, so candy and soft drinks should be consumed minimally. You should cut hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids as well.

* Note : Image from Internet

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