Monday, January 27, 2014

There is a natural remedy for a hangover

There is a guaranteed way to avoid a hangover, and that is not to drink a lot the night before. But, as they tend to be creatures of the night who like to party, hangovers can be a real headache. But what is actually a hangover and why it is so unpleasant?

What is a hangover? 

We have all experienced that awful moment when we wake up with an incredibly dry mouth and a head that looks like a drum is cracked on the inside. The ecstasy of the night before an increasingly fading memory and is already promising to never drink more as coping with the hangover from hell. As we all react differently to alcohol, there is no amount you need to drink to causing a hangover, but then the more you drink the worse it will be. These effects are caused by alcohol dehydration us and the effect it has on our bodies systems. Alcohol also causes the brain to increase in size, leaving you with a nasty headache as it returns to its normal size.

Natural Remedies for a Hangover. 

There are things you can do or take to reduce the amount of suffering they have to endure the day after a night on alcohol.
  1. Hangover Patches. - There are patches of recovery that you can buy that you stick in your body before you start to drink and wear for up to 24 hours. These patches work the same way as nicotine patches or patch diet, as the substances are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream. These patches (such as the patch recovery Zaca) contain a number of natural ingredients such as magnesium, vitamin C, milk thistle and prickly pear, all designed to limit the effects of alcohol on the body and allow you to recover quickly.
  2. Water. - A lot of bad after-effects of alcohol consumption are falling for the body has been left very dehydrated. If you try to stay as hydrated as possible while you're drinking, you can enjoy the benefits are the following morning. Try alternating alcoholic drinks and water during the evening and always drink water as much as possible before going to bed.
  3. The caffeine and aspirin. - A recent study performed in Philadelphia at Thomas Jefferson University seems to suggest that caffeine and analgesics can be useful when it comes to dealing with a hangover. The experiment involved to induce headaches in rats using small amounts of ethanol. The rats were then given caffeine and anti-inflammatory that seemed to block acetate chemical (alcohol content), and alleviate their symptoms.
The best answer to prevent a hangover is to know your limits and drink accordingly, but if things do not get out of hand so my advice and help your body recover quickly.

* Note : Image from Internet

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