Monday, February 10, 2014

Home Remedies for Constipation in Children

For most children, constipation is caused by diet problems. The human digestive tract is made to work with fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. However, the majority of children do not have these foods in their daily diet. Listed below are some simple home remedies for constipation in children. 

Children are too young to be one all the natural cleansing of the body or the detox diet. Instead, you can give them a mild laxative to help them quickly find stools. If a child is over the age of ten, there are several in the course of the home remedies for constipation over the counter such as mineral oil, magnesia, or milk. These ingredients should be used only if recommended by a doctor. 

The mineral oil should not be used regularly since they affect the ability of absorbing fat-soluble vitamins. Other laxatives can also cause problems if it is taken too often. If children too dependent on a laxative, can affect their ability to eliminate naturally. 

Keep a record. 

Keep track of all the foods and drinks that children eat every day. This can help you identify exactly. What is causing the symptoms of constipation? For example, if the child drinks a liter of milk per day, which can be the only cause of poor elimination. The consumption of dairy products too much can cause problems with the digestive system. Other common kid foods that cause constipation are white rice, bananas and apples. 

Fiber-rich foods. 

High in fiber will help keep stools soft. Unfortunately, modern diets and have been far too little grains of wheat grains, vegetables and fruits. Try to introduce your child to sources of fiber that are enjoyable to eat. For example, most children would have problems eating rice for lunch, so you can make a full bran raisin muffin instead.

If your child is hungry between meals, try offering raw vegetables, such as celery and carrots. Most children enjoy eating them because its crunch. To make the snacks taste better, it adds a little 'peanut butter or spread celery. 

Broccoli and cauliflower are repugnant to many children, so they try to hide them. These vegetables are fiber-rich foods are essential to reduce constipation. Try to cut the vegetables into different shapes and be as creative as possible in their presentation. 

Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids during the day. Drink plenty of water and juice is one of the best home remedies for constipation in children. Liquid will help the fiber bulk, allow to pass from the body with ease. 

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