Thursday, February 13, 2014

Top 15 ways on how fresh feeling Wake Up In The Morning

Waking up feeling fresh in the morning is not easy for many people. That may be the case, there are still precious to wake up fresh and full of energy, in order to be ready for the activities of work, school or otherwise. Follow these tips if you want to wake up fresh in the morning. 

1.) Sleep constantly as possible. Each person varies depending on the number of hours that they need for a full-time sleep. It is not true that we all need to complete eight hours of sleep. It very important for everyone to learn to sleep and wake up at the same time. 

2.) Make it a habit to keep any room neat, clean and organized. The way how to place the bed by the door or window is extremely essential. The lighting in the bedroom also has a huge impact on the way we wake up in the morning. Most people put the lights dim to have a better sleep.

3.) Before going to sleep at night to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, coffee and other beverages with chocolate. These drinks are already proven to stomach upset. 

4.) Have a great night's sleep with your loved one. Marital problems must be resolved before going to sleep so that you feel happy in the morning.

5.) Pray before you go to sleep. Aside from this, you can also do some meditation to remember the right things and unpleasant happened during the day. Think of possible things that need to be reached on? Next day. Positive thoughts attract more positive things in life. 

6.) Many people have a way of life. After work, we often go home, make dinner, and eat before going to bed. We may feel bloated and not comfortable, once we wake up in the morning.

7.) Too much noise can shorten the night. Use earplugs when the house is close to a busy road so you wake up fresh in the morning. 

8.) Drink plenty of water. It normalizes the metabolism.

9.) Avoid drinking too much coffee. This often wakes us up at night. 

10.) Having a daily exercise. When a person has a healthy body, it will be much easier for them to wake up feeling fresh in the morning. 

11.) Having a deep breath right after waking up in the morning. Having a breath of fresh air. 

12.) Be thrilled to have a beautiful day ahead. Again, positive thoughts attract positive actions.

13.) Be grateful to survive another night of a full night's sleep. 

14.) Bathe, brush your teeth and have a regular bowel movement. Healthy gums and teeth can be achieved with the help of a generous dentist. 

15.) Upon awakening, he needs to stand up straight. Avoid extensions for the alarm.

Image from internet

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