Friday, February 14, 2014

How To speed up the recovery from illness

From time to time, we all deal with different types of health problems in our lives. Disorders, mostly minor bother us but sometimes real-life danger disease such as heart attack, kidney failure, cancer, etc., frightens us. If you realize that the dragon of death is approaching to take your life, what would be your immediate reaction? Do you want to surrender or fight with your strength? There are many stories of courageous people who have conquered death, even when there was little hope of their survival. 

I suffered two massive heart attacks in March 2003 and December 2006. On both these occasions, the doctors told me that it was a matter of a few minutes between my life and death. I kept alive until he reached the hospital, and doctors began to operate on me. I again suffered less from a heart attack last month (April 2011). On all these occasions, I recovered quickly because I used my powers of inner healing to defeat the disease. My family was in big trouble in all these occasions, but I told them with a smile. " . I am alive and well, nothing to worry about " 

There are in fact, two ways to speed up the healing process. One, taking the doctor's advice seriously, and two, trusting that it will always be soon.
I am giving below some useful tips, from my personal experience, which will be useful for the rapid recovery from any illness, minor or fatal :

1. You must have full confidence in the skills of the physician. If you are in doubt, change your doctor. 

2. Before taking medications to wait a moment and say to yourself ". I'm taking the best and very effective medicine prescribed by my doctor experienced after taking these medications, I'll feel better in a few hours. " 

3. Every morning repeated these phrases many times: " I felt better than yesterday. My health is improving there is nothing to worry about ... "

4. Tell your friends and family about your condition, so funny. Do not show them your gloomy face. Continue to smile and tell them that confidence is recovering rapidly. 

5. If the medical reports are bad, do not panic. Keep your hopes high and remain convinced that after a few days of treatment, the relations start showing signs of recovery. 

6. Your positive attitude has the power to significantly boost the healing. Living with hope is better than living very happily with no hope of self-pity.

7. Overcome your illness with tact and skill. Keep your spirits high and do not let negative thoughts keep you worried. Any kind of negativity can prolong the illness. 

8. Cleanliness is an important factor to defeat the disease. Keep your hands, mouth and body clean. If possible, take a bath everyday and change clothes every day. 

9. If you are a believer, then pray to God for your good health and ask your friends also to remember in their prayers. Seek the help of God is always beneficial.

10. If your condition worsens to the point that there is no chance of your survival, even, then I suggest that you need not to lose heart. Say hello with a big smile on your face. In this way, you will give the world a clear message that he accomplished your mission with grace and time to leave this world in peace. 

Image from internet.

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