Saturday, February 22, 2014

Advantages of Pulse Oximeter

The oxygen saturation is the measurement of the amount of oxygen that is dissolved and are found in the blood of a person. Able for the physician to measure and analyze, obtained a blood samples from the patient. But this was the procedure before, in today's technology, doctors now used pulse oximeter devices to measure the oxygen level of the patient.

Since pulse oximeter is one of the most-recent developments in medicine, patients will benefit from the many positive aspects it has. It is much better to use these devices, pulse oximeters that the blood sample in the measurement of the oxygen level. 

Unlike other methods, using the oximeter requires only seconds or minutes to determine the oxygen saturation. This is particularly advancement in case of emergency in case of sudden need to measure the oxygen. 

Another positive point is that anyone can use the oximeter device, and no medical training is required to use this. In addition, you do not need the help of a doctor because there are portable versions today, which an ordinary person can use. The oximeter user can simply press the button and wait a few seconds for the result. But make sure that the machine is properly adjusted so that can give you the right steps. Also, there are more accessible and convenient to use old versions than the size larger.

In truth, that the use of a pulse oximeter has many positive aspects or benefits, the device provides a fast and accurate result and has a minimal chance of error. However, the result of the device when measuring the oxygen saturation should not be the sole basis. The blood should still undergo through the traditional method for the study if there is a lot of extra time to do it.

First, the traditional or the old version of the oximeter was a great tabletop unit that is usually used in the clinical setting. These days now has a size that is smaller than the average cell phone. However, the levels of precision are still high even the size changed. 

Also, the way to measure the level of oxygen is also dangerous because the doctors directly to get the blood from which can cause complications such as hematoma and laceration of the artery.

Given the good points of using the oximeter will give you lots of reasons why you need to buy a device like this. It's easy to use, comfortable with their size and helps you and your family to monitor the level of oxygen and can prevent them from serious diseases. 

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