Thursday, February 27, 2014

Acne Scars - Finding the Right Treatment to Get Rid of Them

What else can be annoying of acne scars? When you are finished addressing the primary problem to get rid of that acne comes another problem to get rid of acne scars. If you are financially lucky and willing, there are a lot of cosmetic procedures that can be done out there to permanently erase the remnants of your acne and here are some of them : 

1.) Chemical Peel - This is probably the most popular procedure to get rid of acne scars. The top layer of skin is removed with the aid of chemicals, revealing a new skin underneath. It aims to lighten the discoloration of the scars. However, when choosing this treatment, you should consider the type of peeling appropriate because excessive peeling can burn the skin and can cause irritation.

2.) Dermabrasion - This treatment also involved the shedding of the highest level of the skin such as chemical peels, but with the use of a rotary brush revealing a younger and smoother skin. The downside is that dermabrasion may take several sessions before the changes to be noticed.

3.) Laser Treatment - Laser Treatment aims to heal damaged skin below the surface of the skin and recent studies have been done, and this could also have the ability to prevent future formations of acne.

4.) Soft-tissue augmentation - For more severe scarring, this non-surgical treatment is recommended. Filler such as the fat is injected into the area, filling in the parts devoted. The findings may also take a little because of the healing period.

These medical treatments, even if recommended by most doctors have not yet been shown to provide 100% of the desirable results. As with any other surgery, is set to have disadvantages such as pain and infection to the patient. 

Regarding the price range, the treatments are obviously a case by case depending on the physician and the severity of the patient's situation.

It also important to discuss the long-term effects as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure with your doctor. Do not hesitate to ask questions and clarifications before undergoing a procedure to ensure the safety and the success of the method and think twice before taking any decision. 

There is actually a much more cost-effective to prevent scarring and is not to treat your acne problem ahead of time. I found a great product that does just that. It is a complete system of treatment of acne cure that believes that the interior is equally important to take care of the outside. 

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