Monday, February 17, 2014

What are the causes of bruxism or teeth grinding

Bruxism is the medical terminology for grit your teeth or teeth grinding. Most parents can hear their baby while sleeping through gritted teeth or gnashing. This is common in children in which the jaws are closed during deep sleep. This can be caused by stress, especially in hyperactive children. In some cases, teeth grinding can cause misalignment of the teeth or perhaps to relieve the pain of a tooth emerging. However, the majority of children outgrow this and will eventually go away. 

However, there are no harmful effects of grinding teeth, which may cause irritation of the gums and teeth. Teeth grinding can also cause a tooth crack or chips that are the causes of tooth sensitivity. This will then expose the inside of the tooth root and also cause tooth decay. Other causes of this condition include medical conditions such as cerebral palsy. But the most common reason for this is still stress, although most experts still cannot pin to point the main cause of this condition. 

What most experts have observed is that children who are under a lot of tension or anger will experience teeth grinding during sleep. This is an unconscious behavior that is required by stressful activities done during the day. A quarrel with a brother or even worry about exams can cause this. For adults, grinding or clenching the teeth of the jaw can be observed by persons subject to lifting weights at the gym or even at work. Weight lifting can lead to serious problems of the teeth, and gums can be avoided by using a chin rest. 

Children who experience bruxism can go unnoticed. Some symptoms of bruxism include a sore jaw, pain on your face in the morning, pain when chewing, and grinding noises during sleep. If your child experiences these symptoms, consult your dentist may, then be able to recommend a mouthpiece of protection for the most severe cases. They can also check for any damage on the teeth that is caused by teeth grinding. 

Yet for some, the treatment can only be as simple as helping your child relax during bedtime. Perhaps taking a warm bath or reading them fairy tales help their minds to stay away from a stressful experience or activities during the day. However, in most cases, teeth grinding will be gone when children lose to get their permanent teeth. But if your child still has problems with bruxism, consult a doctor or dentist, as it can also be a symptom of other medical conditions that will require a different treatment that may not be related to dental procedures or oral. 

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