Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cumin for seasoning and health

Cumin is one of the oldest spices grown and is now the second most popular spice in the world after black pepper. Today it is used in food varieties from all over the world - as an ingredient in chili powder to Texan and Mexican-style food, in various curries from Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, in Chinese cuisine, in South American cuisine and also in Dutch chesses.

It is a spice that has been adopted in cuisines all over the world, and chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey Annabel Langbein will use it in their recipes widely acclaimed. It takes bland to beaut - that you can turn the otherwise bland food in great-tasting food. Annabel has as its spice cumin first time in his briefs recommended. Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminum, which is a member of the parsley family. A single seed is inside the fruit, and herbs is a small oblong-shaped seed, which is yellow-brown. For cooking can be used both as a whole plant / or spice are often ground into a power so that it can be mixed with other spices.

Cumin was a popular spice and medicinal plant in ancient Egypt, and cumin today is still very popular in Indian cuisine and Indian herbal medicine. The Romans imported spices from Egypt, and cumin has been used in the same way now use black pepper. Cumin used to symbolize the greed, which is why the Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, he was nicknamed " Cuminus. " A fourth-century BC text of the herbal medicine has been found that cumin lists as a treatment for obesity and urinary tract and liver problems. The spice is available in both the Old and New Testaments (quoted " Woe to you, because ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin " 

Country lasses used to make them swallow lover's cumin to ensure their loyalty or friends of the soldier put them cumin bread and wine to ensure that he would become the father and then embed their commitment. In addition, caraway seed was carried by the bride and groom at their wedding as it was once believed that a happy life awaited those who wore the cumin seeds - probably for the same reasons! Nowadays, people realize the health benefits of herbs and spices and are starting to look for alternative ways to incorporate these valuable ingredients in their lives.

As many of the cumin herbs have medical benefits and is an herb that is used for diseases of the digestive tract and for the treatment of cough and cold chest. The scientific evidence suggests cumin may aid digestion by stimulating enzymes to break down the food you eat. It has also been used as an analgesic, especially for the relief of abdominal pain and acute toothache. Some herbalists also recommend that you cumin to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome. Ayurvedic is the oldest and most holistic system of medicine in the world and has promoted the use of herbs for their health benefits for over 5,000 years prior to the belief that you should keep your body in perfect balance with nature. 

In Ayurvedic medicine care important for a hangover is a teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of cumin in a glass of orange juice. Ayurvedic doctors recommend drinking coriander, cumin and fennel tea to clear acne. Combine the herbs in the same way for a total of a teaspoon and steep for 10 minutes in hot water. Strain the tea and drink three cups day-after meals. Although it does not solve the acne will certainly help digestion. This herb has a great little story and a greater future - can make your tastes improve from bland to beaut with minimal effort! 

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