Friday, November 29, 2013

4 Health Problems - You Should Be Aware

Men and women around the world today are waking up to the fact that they must take responsibility for their own health. Although there are many illnesses and diseases that can be contracted due to the environment or from contact with the people, keeping in good health is a good way to reduce the risk of contracting a disease or life-threatening disease.

Here are four health issues that you need to know:
  • Cardiovascular disease : This is the number-one cause of death and each year at least 12 million people die from cardiovascular disease (CVD). There are many types of CVD, including stroke, heart valve disease, coronary heart disease and rheumatic heart disease / fever. There are many factors that contribute to you being in the high-risk group, including diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, obesity, physical inactivity and stress. Many of these can be controlled by medication and a big change in lifestyle. Some factors cannot really be controlled, such as age and if the condition is a hereditary heart. However, eliminating the risk factors as much as possible and the management of those that cannot be in the best possible way, you can reduce your risk of suffering from heart disease.
  • Diabetes : Diabetes has become a very real problem among men and women today. It occurs when your body is unable to produce enough insulin, the hormone that helps break down blood sugar into energy. Type 1 diabetes is when the pancreas breaks down and stops the production of insulin. Type 2 diabetes is when the body cannot use insulin to convert sugar into energy, and thus increased levels of sugar in the blood. The majority of people suffer from type 2 diabetes. A history of diabetes in your family puts you in a high-risk group for which you need to take extra care. Other factors include aging, obesity and stress, a diet rich in sugars and carbohydrates and pancreatic disorders.
  • Anxiety disorders and depression : Some people are concerned about the smaller things than others, and this can take a toll on them. Those who are not able to handle moments of a stress end up suffering from anxiety, which can lead to heart problems, cancer and diabetes. People who suffer from bouts of depression too long run the risk of ending up with debilitating health problems.
  • Cancer : This is a disease of men, and women are most concerned about. It is a disease that can be caused by cigarette smoking, obesity, poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, radiation and other environmental toxins and contaminants. The latter can influence and enhance genetically abnormal cells. These abnormalities are mostly acquired, but some may be hereditary, however, that accounts for a very small percentage. 
These are just some of the health problems that need to be taken seriously. Most diseases today are treatable and with a healthy lifestyle, you can have a long and fulfilling life. Stay away from situations of smoking, alcohol and stressful and make it a habit to get an annual medical check-up as a preventive measure.

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