Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fresh Ideas

Fresh Ideas in San Diego and Riverside Counties in southern have you ever stopped to think about what you are buying when you pick up some herbs or some tomatoes at the supermarket? Also what is called " organic " at your local market? I've always been an advocate of eating fresh and healthy foods and take care of my body. It was a ritual long life. 

My mother was the first to emphasize the importance of eating properly and eating the right foods. When I was young, we always had fresh fruit in the kitchen and my family on weekend trips to the countryside farm to pick fruits and vegetables that were apparently fresh. I must admit that then we also ate too much fried food and now have been medically linked to all kinds of health problems badly.

Overall, I learned that fresh fruit, and vegetables are always needed for optimal health in our diets. Now that I'm 60 years old and married to a beautiful healthy woman who repeatedly pointed consciousness in me the importance of eating healthy every day. My wife is diligent about what is good for me, what is bad for me. You should not eat that, eat this because I want you to be around for a long time? Then there's this guy Dr. Oz on TV that backs up everything he says with medical research. I have to admit; it must be right, because even though she is five years younger than I could have passed for being in her early thirties, so apparently she must be doing something right. Maybe it's what you eat! 

It all goes back to, what you eat is what you are. 

But back to the supermarket I stood there wondering, are the vegetables and herbs we buy really fresh and healthy? I asked myself many questions, especially with regard to the tomatoes. 

I was wondering if these tomatoes were collected. How much growth hormones that were given to get so big and red prematurely? How many pesticides have been used to keep insects away? 

I guess the down spraying of chemicals on the plants, and that thought scares me forever. 

How long did these tomatoes sit in the truck route before they reach the shelves grocery store? 

Who put them on the shelves, how many people have touched or pressed before I got it?

 It's going to taste fresh, or better yet be healthy for me? 

The grocery store says it, but how can I be sure? Personally, I cannot believe that the process of the grocer is neither new nor safe. I have to take the word of the grocer? I tend to think not!

What is the solution then? 

I say to grow your own healthy and safe product! Why not? I remember when I was a kid in Maryland, we had a garden and ate the vegetable's natural who came out of it. Every spring, my family would have made me and my sister up to the rotor to the garden and plant it. At a time when I was a kid, I liked the work required. Now that I'm grown up, I can appreciate the health benefits and the fun of planting and watching my garden grow.

I remember taking several weekends. I had a lot of better things to do, how to play and have fun, but my parents did not give us any other options. As I reflected on my childhood, I put down the tomato at the grocery store and went home to figure out where to put a garden in my backyard. The work that we have today is not as big as the one when I was a kid, so planning was to take place. I read some articles that said that you needed more than six hours in the sun, which was impossible on earth small apartment in my backyard. 

There was already a bridge, a barbecue and a hot tub, but there is room for a garden. There was only a 12 foot hill on one side of the yard illuminated by the sun that was an option. A tree had to come down. So there I was, taking the tree and my plans of the garden started. My only choice was a multi-level garden, raised bed with four levels and stairs going up for easy access. Being a skilled craftsman, I was confident that everything would work. After a little back-breaking work to dig and build the garden, it took about two weekends of design and manufacture. After the tedious work has been completed, I had to add a bit of the soil and plant my plants. My back yard was full! Now all I had to do was add water and love. 

About six weeks after I started my collection of products, and now we know they are really to eat healthy foods and safe. In addition to becoming a good of my property, the new landscape of the garden gave me an aura of beauty and satisfaction. My food was very fresh now, without pesticides or chemicals. My decision was to use organic methods, alternative, grow my own vegetables. What a thrill for my wife, who is also a great cook, to go out in the yard to gather herbs to add flavor to everyday meals. Just like Tyler Florence, the channel kitchen!

There are so many advantages of having your own garden. The greatest benefits are knowing that the product comes from a garden that you grew up with a love of fresh, free of chemicals. I felt so inspired and exhilarated by what I created, which have now decided to start a small business making raised bed gardens.

* Note : Image from Internet

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