Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Extreme heat injury prevention

When prolonged heat waves hit a region, heat ramifications of prejudice and health-related can be serious, including sunstroke and organ damage also important because of the heat. According to the Center for Disease Control, the extreme heat is charged with 700 deaths each year in the United States tend to occur in small epidemics when we are faced with heat waves, as we are experiencing at this time of a year. Some experts predict this could be the most common cause of global change a global climate. Heat exhaustion is a relatively common reaction to severe heat and includes symptoms such as dizziness, headache and fainting. If left untreated, it can progress to heat stroke. When severe, requiring medical attention. The severe form occurs when someone can no longer cool their body after profuse sweating leading to dry skin, body temperature above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, heat rash, muscle cramps, confusion, and sometimes loss of consciousness. Profoundly harmful effects for the central nervous system and circulation can occur quickly when the warning signs are ignored.

Humans cope with the heat by expelling a little heat through the breath and sweaty. The evaporation of moisture from the surface of our skin dissipates internal heat. High humidity makes it very difficult. The cooling effect is seriously compromised. The heat index published estimate how she feels and how much moisture can increase the effect of a specific temperature, which can be 15 degrees or more conditions of high humidity. Urban areas are known to be " heat islands ". The large amount of concrete and asphalt absorbs and radiates heat to a great extent. The density increase of people and machines that produce heat put city dwellers at much greater risk than their rural counterparts. This is especially dangerous when a heat wave lasts more than two days. The nights do not cool down because of the heat stored, and people do not get an extended break from the heat. More urban heat-related deaths occur at night. 

Who is affected the most? Elderly, the very young, people with chronic illnesses are most vulnerable. Some medicines can make people more susceptible to heat (diuretics, beta-blockers, meds mental health) to discuss your concerns with your doctor to see if any special precautions are recommended. But even healthy people who have to work or exercise in extreme heat conditions are subject to the hazardous effects. 

The most useful thing you can do in conditions of extreme heat spends several hours a day in air-conditioning systems. If you do not have air conditioning, plan to spend time with someone who does. Many public buildings are available that have climate control, such as libraries, schools, shopping malls, coffee shops. Fans are helped with the evaporation / cooling process. They can also be more detrimental when you simply blow hot air around. It can be compared to a convection oven, magnifying the negative effects of heat. During periods of extreme heat stay at home and avoid direct sunlight. Slow down and avoid strenuous activities.

Healthy well-conditioned athletes also are vulnerable to harmful effects of heat. If you work outside you need a plan. Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing. Use a wide-brimmed hat to protect the head and face. Drink plenty of fluids. Water is the best. Alcohol and caffeinated beverages should be avoided as they can make things worse. Eat light foods in small amounts, but more often. Take frequent breaks to get out of direct sunlight and catch up on fluids. A friend is a great idea. If you work alone you may not notice the effects from the beginning that can cloud your judgment. Partners can help you keep an eye on each other. A buddy system is also a great idea for the elderly or those who live alone and may need assistance. The consumption of water is at the top of the list. Two liters a day is a good start to a normal, healthy person. In extreme heat, the need increases dramatically. Use of salt tablets is discouraged and potentially dangerous. Some sports drinks without caffeine may be appropriate, but should not be the only source of fluid replacement. Water is the best.

Never leave children or pets in a closed vehicle. Temperatures can quickly increase to 140 degrees, which is very dangerous after a few minutes. With just a little of planning and common sense you can survive the heat wave comfortably and safely without becoming a statistic.

* Note : Image from Internet

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