Thursday, November 14, 2013

Understanding Cholesterol Readings and what they mean

For many people, the first time, they have a test to get a cholesterol reading that may be confused as to what the number means. There are several things that we need to understand to learn from one of these tests. Probably, the most important to understand is the reading is obtained and the differences between the two types of cholesterol. 

The two types of cholesterol you are worried about are LDL (low density lipoproteins) or bad cholesterol and HDL (high density lipoprotein) or good cholesterol. The reason for this is simple: the LDL cholesterol is a significant cause of plaque formation in the arteries. This can lead to blood clots and also clog and block the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease by coronary artery disease. HDL cholesterol, on the other hand, removes LDL cholesterol from the circulatory system and returns it to the liver where it is then removed from the body. 

The first reading is to look at the total figure from both types of cholesterol added. This will give an idea of ​​the total amount of cholesterol present in your blood stream. Current guidelines for the allocation of total cholesterol like this. Less than  200 mg / dL or LDL levels less than  130 mg / dl, is considered healthy without long-term risks. 200-239 mg / dl, LDL with between 130-159 mg / dl is borderline-high and little at a time must be taken to lower it. This is the perfect time to make some changes in lifestyle that include diet and exercise. Usually in this way those who are in the borderline range can naturally reduce the levels without the use of prescription drug's cholesterol. 

A reading above 240 mg / dL or LDL greater than 160 mg / dL is high and places no one with this level to a high risk of coronary artery disease, heart disease and stroke. Anyone at these levels will be necessary to not only diet and exercise a priority, but also probably one of the many    prescribed drugs that lower cholesterol by their doctor. The longer their cholesterol remains high, the greater the possibility of irreversible damage was done.

Another school of thought revolves around the relationship between good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. It is thought by some that this is just as important to the total number because of the way that the HDL cholesterol works in the body. The formula is simple, take the total and divide it by reading the HDL reading. If the answer is 4 or more, then your cholesterol is too high and measures must be taken to lower it. 

Having your blood test and obtain a reading of the cholesterol is the only way to determine if you have high cholesterol or not. If you're worried about cholesterol levels of health and then make an appointment with your doctor and have it tested today. 

* Note : Image from Internet

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