Friday, November 22, 2013

Aloe Vera Gel - Medicinal Uses you need to know

Aloe vera gel has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes, as well as for a number of other reasons but over the years, many common uses of aloe vera gel were neglected to a degree. Most of us have heard of aloe vera and one association for the general public to be aware of is its use for burns and healing after sun cream. The cooling aloe gel has a refreshing and soothing effect on sunburned skin and most of us will have seen bottles of after sun touting aloe vera on the shelves of our local stores. 
While this is a fantastic use of the gel from this plant amazing - there are so many other ways in which the use of aloe vera can help our overall health and well-being, but often are not considered. 

The aloe gel itself is packed with a variety of ingredients, at least 75 are known, and all provide a benefit to the body and the proper functioning of the various internal systems. We have mentioned its use in burns, but for problems of irritation of the skin, the gel can help reduce swelling, relieve the burning and itching and soothe the skin. Use it to insect bites, hives and rashes, bruises and blisters. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera gel can penetrate the skin right through the base layer or basal layer and provides nourishment to these cells from the beginning.

As the skin renews itself about every 28 days, you will soon begin to see how your skin can appear much brighter and healthier. Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and rosacea may improve with the use of aloe gel applied topically. You can also delay the signs of aging and the appearance of wrinkles in two ways - it helps in the production of collagen and elastin and contains antioxidants, which are essential for cell protection. 

Drinking aloe vera gel is very useful in various ways. The digestive system can cause many ailments if it is not fully functional. Aloe vera gel ensures the complete digestive system remain in good health and when the nutrients from the food we eat finally the bowels, the result from drinking the gel allows better absorption into the bloodstream.

The waste will be processed more efficiently and will be eliminated from the body without difficulty. The benefits on the digestive system alone, can help anyone who has hemorrhoids, stomach problems or ulcers, heartburn and bloating and is particularly useful for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.

* Note : Image from Internet

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