Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ingredients for Health and Wellness - A Recipe for Life

We hear so much talk about the importance of our diet, when it comes to health. I would suggest to you that there are several aspects to our health that can be achieved and maintained beyond what we eat. I invite you to take a look at the following as recipes and discuss health in a very different way.

When we think of health of the thought that many of us begin and end with what we eat. But what if what we know health is not limited to food? See the diets work is because, at the end of the day a diet is a mathematical problem put on paper. It is calories in versus calories out. When cooking at home we use these healthy recipes, and if we stick to them religiously see success.

Take things one step further what if we applied the same system to other aspects of our health and well-being. Why do not we have a recipe for sleeping, a recipe for stress management, a recipe for stretching, exercise and a recipe for a recipe for relaxation? The recipes are nothing more than a written plan of preparation for cooking. Some can be passed down for generations at home, and some are used in restaurants. Some are original, and some can be copied. The recipe for Cola has often been attempted to be copied still continues to be kept well protected over the years. Remember when Cola has tried to stop the product and introduced New Cola? became one of the biggest mistake's advertising of the last century and a lesson that can be applied both in business and in health, if it is not broke do not fix it.

The fact is that while diets work and, of course, our food choices are important. I agree with you that perhaps the reason that we have more success with the food that we have to do with health problems the other is that we normally have a plan when it is feeding. But with exercise, stress, sleep and a variety of other related topics that apparently try to go with the flow and just improvise.

In conclusion, it is important to note that we can learn a lot from the process of creation of a recipe. Recipes to create consistency, reliability and predictability. A written plan of attack if you want to the foods we eat. So let's have a written plan when it comes to other aspects of our health and well-being. You are always a welcome click below for more recipes and strategies for the attainment of health. Think of things in terms of recipes of life ... the quality and consistency of their health and well-being may depend on it.

* Note : Image from Internet

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