Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tips for Using Affirmations to Achieve your goals of health and fitness

Why start and stop a diet or an exercise program? Even worse because we do not start at all? The secret to this very common question is probably contained below. So join me as we explore why we do what we do in health and fitness goals and what we can do to get more results. 

Bestselling author Anthony Robbins says it this way: " Everything you and I do, or do we do to our need to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure. " Then why is it that we never get around to the achievement of health and fitness? Well, for most of us, the answer seems simple. It is not worth the sacrifice. I know this sounds harsh, but that's the way it is actually at times. My health or your health is not worth it.

Conscious or unconscious choices we make every day. Maybe a rude awakening is in order for all of us? How many times a day, a week, a month or a year will not allow our hunger pangs to dictate our food choices? We are looking for food or immediate satisfaction of our taste buds?

Can you imagine how much easier it would get health and well-being if we could just go to the doctor and have our taste buds surgically removed? OK perhaps an extreme example, but you get my point. 

Our approach to our goals of health and wellness, therefore must begin with more than a wish list. It must start with an active decision to choose one healthy lifestyle. This is the most important thing that anyone can do to achieve significant and lasting results.

Once the decision is made the rest will take care of itself. It means that if the " want " is strong enough, the " how " will follow. This principle applies in all aspects of life and is certainly applicable to health and fitness. Positive Affirmations are simply reminders to get started, stay the course, and do not let the word quit to be the equation or vocabulary. 

Understand that the pain, fear, time, money, injury, age, physical limitation, children, works, etc. are all excuses. All rights are limitations, limitations that we have decided to accept because of the people, circumstances and events that have made you and I, we are today for better or for worse. So if we want to change what we are today we have to make a decision to do whatever it takes to achieve the health not only desire, but we deserve. 

You've chosen to complete this article, congratulations. Feel free to click on the link below for more information on health and wellness strategies. I encourage you to continue to learn, design and most importantly, implement your goals-related health claims to stay a focused day ... your fitness, health and overall well-being depend on it. 

* Note : Image from Internet

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