Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Kidney Diet Secrets that Can Reverse Chronic Kidney Failure

There was a time when the main remedy for advanced kidney failure was a kidney dialysis, which - while effective - requires a regular repetition and is highly inconvenient.

So it's exciting to see there have been some very promising reports by the principal investigator's kidney disease who have published articles in highly regarded, peer-reviewed medical journals about their success in reversing kidney disease using a specially designed diet kidney.

More recently, a recent study by Dr. Charles Mobs, PhD, at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found a diet with very high levels of fat, carbohydrate, but restricted and with only a moderate consumption of protein can actually reverse renal in less than two months. It has been found that only four weeks of diet may be sufficient to reverse the descent of renal insufficiency. 

The secret key of a renal diet is based on the restriction's certain kidney disease diet. These include: 
  • Protein. 
  • Salt or sodium.
  • Potassium. 
  • Phosphorus.

While these elements are still permissible in a renal diet menu, the amounts must be strictly controlled, depending on the degree of damage that has occurred to the kidneys. This is because the ability of a damaged kidney to excrete excess amount of these substances is limited. For example, healthy kidneys can handle as much as 4700 milligrams of potassium, while a person with renal disease should maintain their daily intake strictly below 2700 milligrams. The recommended daily intake for potassium for healthy people is set at 3,500 milligrams. 

A similar restriction applies when it is necessary to adopt a diet low in phosphorus, because the impaired kidneys can reasonably handle 700-900 milligrams per day, compared with up to 2,000 milligrams per day, a pair of healthy kidneys are able to deal with. 

Many people know the dangers of excess salt or sodium, and these are now generally well shown on food labels. We recommend that you do not eat more than 2,400 milligrams of salt or sodium per day. Unfortunately, it is very easy to overcome this with a very wide margin, because the salt is found in almost all processed foods, and even in the most unlikely places, such as breakfast cereals and the best brands, including mineral water.

Generally, a pair of healthy kidneys may run any excess, even if constant high levels bring with it the danger of hypertension which, in turn can damage the kidneys. 

But if you're on a diet chronic renal failure, salt consumption should be strictly controlled between 1,000 and 2,000 milligrams per day, from all sources, depending on the degree of renal impairment. This is to avoid a detrimental accumulation of salt, which can lead to be fluid that accumulates in the lungs, making it very difficult to breathe and, which also lead to heart failure, due to overwork the heart by excess fluid in the blood.

Excessive consumption of protein is one of the possible causes of kidney disease. Thus, not only is the amount of protein consumed when a renal diet important, so is the quality. And if you have been depressed by all this dark about what cannot eat, let's now celebrated all over the mouthwatering treats that you can enjoy while on a diet plan kidney failure.

Chief among that is one of the highest forms of protein quality: fatty fish, such as salmon delicious. This is rich in Omega 3 oils, which have been shown in the research by Dr. Alexander Leaf of Harvard Medical School who fed the fish oil to animals with kidney disease and struck a cure to 100%. 3 grams a piece of wild salmon contains 50 milligrams of sodium, phosphorus 274 mg and 368 mg of potassium. 

And you can also feast on red bell peppers, which are delicious raw, stuffed with rice and herbs or roasted in olive oil. However, a half glass contains only 1 milligram of sodium, 10 mg of phosphorus and 88 milligrams of potassium. What's more, they are a very rich source of vitamin C (which contains twice as much as a green pepper). They also contain vitamin A, as well as Vitamin B6, folic acid and fiber. The red color also indicates that contain lycopene, an antioxidant thought to protect against some types of cancer.

You can also enjoy onions in many dishes to add texture and flavor, because they are not only among the healthiest vegetables to eat, but they are also full of flavonoids, in particular, quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that works to reduce heart disease and protects against many cancers. And the onions remained well below the objectives of your kidney diet, containing only 3 milligrams of phosphorus, 3 milligrams of sodium and 116 milligrams of potassium in 1/2 cup. Onions are also a good source of chromium, a mineral that helps the efficient metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. 

And the news even more interesting is the development of diets on the basis of all these highly respected research has allowed some people with end-stage renal failure really to reverse their kidney disease to such an extent that they are indeed able to prevent the onset of renal dialysis at all. 

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