Saturday, December 14, 2013

Top 5 Weight Details - Loss of important facts you need to know

Information is power. This is an important concept that you need to keep in mind if you want to succeed in your quest to lose fat. In the field of fitness and weight loss, myths and misconceptions abound. Many times, what was commonly believed turns out to be the exact opposite of what is true and often runs counter to the efforts of your weight loss? Therefore, it is important that you educate yourself well before embarking on any diet fat loss so you do not waste precious time doing things that do not work or get into dangerous situations that can often lead to injury and pain.

To help you in this regard, here are five facts of weight loss to keep in mind: 
  • Severe calorie restriction will not make you lose weight. In fact, it does just the opposite. When you are constantly hungry, your body will be in " survival " and keep the calories and fat in order to be able to help the body cope. To do this, it will deliberately slow down the metabolism and, therefore, your body will also burn calories more slowly. When you cannot support your highly restrictive diet, you will return to your previous meal intake, but since your metabolic rate is already slowed down in response to your previous wrong attempt to starving yourself thin, most of what you eat will be converted into stored fat. This makes you gain more weight instead of losing fat.
  • The objective of healthy weight loss that you should strive for is one to two pounds a week. There are so many diets that promise weight loss of ten pounds in a week. While this is possible, to the detriment of their health and is never sustainable. This is the reason why there is such a thing as a healthy and sustainable rapid weight loss. For weight loss to occur for the long term, should be gradual and should not involve overly restrictive diets that can ruin your body's systems out of whack.
  • Muscle weighs more than fat. Dieters sometimes I wonder why there has been no significant change in the balance after a period of faithful adherence to an exercise program. This is simply because the fat is converted to muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. So instead of buying a new bathroom scale, check-in at yourself in the mirror and try to put on the baggy pants, and you will notice that it is wonderfully grown too big for you.
  • Making changes in lifestyle is the only way to a sustainable program of weight loss. What does it mean a change of lifestyle does this mean? Means to engage in healthy eating habits and work regularly. Means to manage stress, stay hydrated and get enough sleep. Simply reducing your favorite foods will not let you lose weight. Rather, it will only make you crave for them. So, eat balanced meals and healthy yield to occasional requests for chocolate. However, make sure that you do not binge on them and do not work off the extra calories later.
  • You can speed up your metabolism. Eat more frequent meals and foods that naturally burn fat. Exercise. All this will help speed up your metabolism so you can lose more weight.
* Note : Image from Internet

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