Monday, December 2, 2013

Protein pasture and the Bodybuilder

In the early 1990s, bodybuilding has been taken over in Southern California and to see a bloated bodybuilder in a tank top on the beach was as common as seeing a girl in a bikini. Everyone wanted to be a bodybuilder. All read bodybuilding magazines, wore pants and brightly-colored Zubaz Otomix shoes, and everyone seemed to be always try the flavor of the week, if it was a training methodology, a crazy diet, or just a move strangely.

A diet phase guy who had his fanfare for a few months, then faded into obscurity, he was known as grazing food for children bodybuilder. Some of the best professional and amateur bodybuilder of the day would often consume many jars of baby food - at any hour of the day - in an effort to give them nutrients for the growth of the body non-stop. They posed for articles and interviews while taking shot after shot of Gerber's goodness! 

Once the novelty has worn off, you probably missed lifters definitely their steaks and protein shake, and made the returns they were seeing for chugging down pot of gross tasting baby food was not worth the effort. Also, you probably got tired of toting around 40 baby food jars wherever they went, and paying the insane prices that you see on baby food. However, it was a fun phase and a reminder that anyone can try anything, if they read it on the pages from a muscle magazine. 

For bodybuilders of today, the idea of ​​grazing may not be so bad. Most of us adhere to the general rule to eat protein every three hours or so in order to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the blood stream, and keep the amino acids for muscle repair and growth.

You may want to explore this idea. Toy with the example of jars of baby food, with your own variation. Maybe try to drink 1 cup of water with a tablespoon of whey throughout the day. See how the body handles. If the digestive tract becomes upset, and you are able to continue to eat your regular meals without interruption, then maybe you should try it for a week and see if the recovery, muscle growth, and overall increase in the hardness of the body as a result. 

There will be some discrepancy between the results seen from natural against chemically assisted lifters. Anabolic steroids provide the lift capability with highly increased protein absorption. So the athlete who is " on " will use more of the protein from its food. Natural bodybuilders urinate the protein away, or see gains in excess body fat by calories. This could be a factor to consider when applying the use of pasture protein for bodybuilding purposes. Although it may not be fair, it is the reality of the sport in which we choose to compete. The athletes will be assisted earnings actually see more and better result's pasture of protein compared to be natural - even though both groups can enjoy the benefits of pasture protein! 

* Note : Image from Internet

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