Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Workouts to Burn Fat

How to get rid of that Flabby Stomach Fat and Get Six-Pack Abs. Any weight gain nightmare begins from our belly, while the loss or success begins from there. Put away the stairs, watch your waistline and make sure that your abdomen loses weight! Its weight is the body of everyday life or to measure the length of each week?

Its weight is the body of everyday life or to measure the length of each week? Have you had this experience? Let me give you the scenario. At first, there were no changes to your weight, but little by little, the length of life increased by an inch. At that point, what you choose to believe? 

Have confidence in the scales or tape measure? If you believe the stairs, you get self-comfort, thinking that you do not gain weight; If you trust the tape, it warns you that you are gaining weight, and you end up wanting to lose weight! While you might have lived for years with obesity, fat is always covered your body so you should believe the tape! 

The scientific side of the "fat people gain belly fat in prim." In a real fight, we must always attack the enemy's weak point or week before. Same thing goes for weight loss. 
You should start there. 
Just try to feel your soft underbelly, this is the first goal in weight loss. 

The fats in our bodies are made up of three categories: blood fats (triglycerides). Subcutaneous fat (close to the skin). 

Omentum fat (which is located within the abdominal cavity, below the muscles of the stomach).

Our life on the rise and belly bulge comes from the caul fat. Omentum fat is closer to the stomach and other organs. Due to its proximity, the excess fat is supplied to the omentum fat. A growing omentum fat not only makes our body go out of shape, but also tighten the stomach, lungs, heart and other organs, affecting our health. This is the reason why health professionals are often advised us to better manage our midsection. The good news is, once you start to lose weight. The fat of the omentum is hit in the first place because this is the first type of fat that decreases in our body.

If omentum fat is reduced, our physical health will improve, and we slowly get a toned body. Aerobic exercise and sit-ups are a very effective combination to get rid of omental fat. 

Sit-ups and aerobic exercise. 

Some believe that sit-ups cannot help you lose abdominal fat, an often debated topic. On the positive side, sit-ups, you can exercise your abdominal muscles so that it can produce a sexy stomach. On the negative side, some people think that to lose weight, you need to do fat burning workouts for at least 20 minutes, in so doing, dozens of sit-ups in one minute, there can help you lose abdominal fat. So why not have the best of both?

The correct approach for fat-burning workouts: sit-ups + aerobic exercise. 

The main role of sit-ups is to enhance the strength of the abdominal muscles, increase the flexibility of the abdominal muscles and at the same time protect your back and improve your posture. Aerobic exercise is one of the best workouts to burn fat that burns a lot of calories and reduces fat. You can also try the exercises that focus on the central part. Fat-burning workouts are some ideas:

Table Tennis: the movement of racket oscillation is driven by the waist and abdominal muscles every 30 minutes burn 192 calories. 

Yoga: Yoga postures help shape the back and abdominal muscles, consume 200 calories every 30 minutes. 

Taekwondo: Taekwondo kicks will help you to life and abdominal fat. Every 30 minutes mean 312 fewer calories. 

* Note : Image from Internet

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