Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dry cough - Common causes and effective treatments

Cough can be inconvenient and annoying if it persists for a long period of time. A cough that does not produce any type of mucus is known as dry cough or an unproductive cough. It is usually a reflection of the natural process within the body to expel a foreign object inside. However, there are many causes that can cause irritating coughs.

What are the main causes? 

There may be many reasons for a persistent cough, and therefore, it is important to consult a doctor if it lasts for more than a week. Many factors can trigger a dry cough that goes from a simple allergy to a respiratory infection. Below mentioned are some of the most common causes of cough like that. 

Allergies : Although allergies are often associated with rashes, watery eyes and sneezing, most people who develop the even unproductive cough. This is often caused due to post-nasal drainage, which leads to persistent cough. 

Viral infections : Dry cough may also be due at the beginning of a viral infection. Gradually, the cough becomes productive accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, headache and body aches. It important to consult a doctor immediately. 

Asthma : People with asthma often experience chronic non-productive cough accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness. Sometimes, people experience only a persistent cough without phlegm. However, a good doctor can detect symptoms of asthma, through effective medical checks. 

The weather conditions : dry cough may also be due to changing climatic conditions. The moisture in the air or low humidity can cause throat irritation due to drying of the mucous membranes.

Medications : Intake of certain drugs can also cause a persistent cough. Some of the blood pressure medications have some side effects, and unproductive cough can be one of them. 

Diseases : unproductive cough can also be a sign of certain diseases such as lung cancer, tuberculosis or pneumonia. But above all, it is often accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, pain, weight loss and lack of appetite. 

Smoking : dry cough is often experienced by people who smoke cigarettes. People exposed to air pollution also suffer from persistent cough. 

Reflex Disease (GERD) : Another cause of a dry cough may be due to the disease known as GERD or acid reflex. The acid from the stomach slowly seeps into the esophagus while a person sleeps flat. This can trigger the trachea and cause irritation.

What are the treatments effective? 

If the cough persists for more than a week, it is prudent to visit a doctor. Today there are many drugs to treat different types of coughs. But the correct diagnosis is necessary to understand the causes. 

There are many effective home remedies to cure a persistent cough. A combination of honey and turmeric is one of the most effective remedies to help treat coughs and allergies. Ginger is another effective remedy that helps treat dry cough that occurs during the night. 

In addition to home remedies, different types of formula's cough are also available to relieve these symptoms. Today, there are various ayurvedic medicines, which are very effective in suppressing the cough.

* Note : Image from Internet

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