Friday, December 20, 2013

Easy, inexpensive ways to lose weight

Let's face reality. More than seven percent of the world population is having problems with excessive weight gain. In the United States alone, about 66 percent of the American adult population is overweight or obese. With the increasing trend of the values ​​of weight, chronic health problems such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, gall bladder disease and liver, cardiovascular problems and cancer, also arise.

Are you one of those patients who are suffering the direct and indirect consequences of overweight and obesity? Have you tried using a strategy of weight loss after the other with no apparent reduction in weight? Have you tried to buy and then some of that commercial weight loss e-book and ended up being disappointed with the results? 

You see. You're not the only one having this problem. There are so many people out there who are also bitter disappointments faced with losing weight like you. But you know what? There is a good news for you: you can still lose weight easily and successfully by using inexpensive methods. Here's how: 

Make water your ally to lose weight. Most of us overlook the power of water in shedding excess pounds. However, water is a powerful tool that can induce satiety and reduce overall calorie intake. As quoted by the Daily Record in August 2010, even the simple drink two glasses of water before each meal can help you lose those unwanted pounds. In a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, in 2003, it has been shown that your metabolic rate can increase by 30 percent within ten to forty minutes after drinking a bottle of 500 ml of water and all in all, this small business can burn up to 100 kj of your energy. This only means that if you practice drinking two liters of water a day, you can burn up to 400 kj of your energy only through this activity. Improve the activity of the satiety center. 

Stimulate satiety center in your brain can make you feel satisfied with your food in the shortest amount of time. There are many ways to do this: 

Eat lots of fiber. Eating plenty of fiber is one of the sure ways to make you feel full faster than you normally do. You see, the fibers giving a bulk to the food that you eat and absorb water too. With a greater mass and weight, your stomach will feel satisfied much faster. 

Eat your egg. Yes, it is true; egg eating can help to stimulate the satiety center and make you lose weight. In fact, it's satiety index 50 percent higher than most breakfast cereals and breads available on the market. 

Use chewing gum. Chewing gum is a great way to lose weight. Why? The action of chewing signals fires from your jaw muscles to the satiety center of your brain, helping you to feel a certain satisfaction, without having a real calorie intake. Through this mechanism, it does not feel starving even when you are actually cutting calories.

Keep a food diary. Did you know that keeping a food diary could double the success of your weight loss? According to Kaiser Permanente, have a food diary can increase the rate of weight-loss success by up to 200 percent. It does not matter if you keep a diary formal or just scribble what you eat on a piece of paper. The simple act of writing down what you eat can give you a better grip of self-control when it comes to food intake. 

Use a pedometer. This inexpensive, easy-to-use small gadget can be a good stimulator when it comes to burning calories in the form of walking and physical activity. According to the Stanford University School of Medicine, with a pedometer can stimulate a person to do more physical activity that usually does. With increased physical activity, weight loss can be expected. 

* Note : Image from Internet

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