Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Importance of Weight Training

There are several aspects to maintaining a healthy body. While most people believe that only by participating in cardiovascular fitness is relevant to a proper functioning of the body, the importance of weight training weighs a lot, but it is often overlooked. Various research institutions over the years have conducted numerous studies on strength training, focusing on its importance and the role it plays in a healthy human functioning system. Realizing the importance of training with weights, you can begin to incorporate this into your workout routine and begin to reap the benefits.

The list of health benefits associated with an effective program that fits your particular level of lift is amazing. In weight training alone your good cholesterol levels are raised, while the bad numbers decrease. The risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, hypertension and breast cancer all decrease dramatically. The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, stress, anxiety, cold and disease are all reduced with the help of strength training. These benefits alone should be enough to make everyone want to pick up a weight or two. 

Weight training also helps in flexibility, a component of the human body that can be lost over time. For those who have trouble getting out of bed to sitting positions or bending over to pick something up off of the ground, the flexibility can be recovered through lifting. This also reduces muscle pulls and injuries that can occur during any activity. Posture is also influenced by the health of the muscles attached to the neck, back, shoulders and hips. Incorporating a program of strength training in your workout routine, you can help ensure better posture and the health of your back. 

The importance of weight training is not limited to physical benefits. Peace of mind, well-being and self-esteem are all affected by lifting weights. You can create an image of the body better than yourself, which in turn can help to have more confidence. This can spread to all aspects of your life, including personal relationships and your career. Having confidence in yourself, you can do the kind of goals that may seem out of reach before you start lifting weights. 

While all of these benefits are incredible residual effects of weightlifting, it is imperative that you do not overload your body with too much weight before you are ready. Some tips are good-paying attention to what your body is telling you, use only well-maintained equipment and be sure to warm up and cool down properly before and after the exercise program. Taking the proper precautions, you will be able not only to reap the benefits, but also enjoy weightlifting itself.

* Note : Image from Internet

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