Sunday, January 19, 2014

How to prevent and treat urinary tract infections Naturally

" UTI " has become an infamous acronym for something that is all too familiar for many women and girls. Urinary Tract Infections are a large reason why many young girls and women have to visit the doctor's office. They can be painful if left untreated, and can easily spread to the kidneys, causing more pain and damage.

Many times, the prescription of choice is antibiotics. However, antibiotics do not actually work on all the ICU, and taking antibiotics several times. It is not a good idea as you can develop a tolerance. The frequent use of antibiotics can also, in and of itself, cause other uncomfortable issues, such as the imbalance of yeast.

Instead of going to the doctor, there are ways to treat and prevent urinary tract infections, with the simple lifestyle and diet changes. After all, the best way to treat any kind of disease is preferably in a natural way. 

Drugs and surgery are something that too many people is beginning to realize not benefit them. There are of course cases in which professional intervention would be needed, but many times not frequent infections can be treated as well as prevented, quite easily. 

One of the first rules to prevent urinary tract infections is to drink plenty of pure water. This dilutes the concentration of the urine, and helps to keep the kidneys and urinary tract healthy constantly flushing them out. Drinking too much coffee, tea, soda and other beverages that contain additives not recommended. 

When you feel the need to urinate, try to go to the bathroom before you hear urgent or you feel uncomfortable. Urinating frequently, when you feel the need, is another way to ensure the urinary tract is not infected or irritated. When you rid your body of urine quickly, gives you less time to sit in the bladder and collect bacteria.

As in the case of yeast infections, a recommendation to prevent UTI is to wear only cotton underwear " breathable ". This will help prevent moisture, which keeps at bay the breeding of bacteria. Also, do not spray showers and irritants, as these can cause irritation and increase the risk of infection. 

Different sexual positions have been linked to an increase in urinary tract infections. If you notice you are getting a UTI every time you are in certain positions, try several. Also, you may want to consider cleaning your genital area after sexual intercourse to prevent infection. 

A great way to reduce the chance of infection is to increase the intake of vitamin C, or take vitamin C supplements, and if you have an active infection, or as a preventive measure. The acidity of vitamin C helps to make the urine of a tougher environment for the bacteria that typically cause urinary tract infections. This makes it harder for bacteria to breed and cause problems. 

You have probably heard all the care both before and cranberry juice, I'm sure. There is some truth in this, as blueberries contain a compound that specifically kills the bacteria in the urinary tract. However, you must be sure to drink pure cranberry juice instead of a " juice cocktail " which is often the sugar and watered-down cranberry juice. 

There are also other types of fruit juices that are less well known as a remedy UTI, but that also work against it. These juices are peach, apple and cranberry juice. Of course, the concern is that with all these juices can be very sugary. But there are also some supplements available that can help fight urinary tract infections, which contain the active compounds, without all the sugars associated with these juices. 

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