Monday, January 27, 2014

Head Lice Vinegar Treatment - Stop using these chemicals Nasty On Your Head

Many people are surprised that vinegar can be used to get rid of fleas. For several years, people have used over-the-counter head lice shampoo for hair and chemically based goods as a solution to head lice and often did not find any significant results.

White vinegar has a capacity of about five-percent acetic acid, and it is this particular level of acidity that makes it an excellent white wine vinegar all-natural option for getting rid of lice and nits. The attributes within white vinegar can break down the cement that nits use normally stay to the hair and can also suffocate the lice. This is what tends to make white vinegar, an incredibly efficient all-natural strategy to eliminate the lice.

Just like white vinegar should be used to properly dispose of Lice. You need to shampoo the head and distressed hair with a shampoo for normal hair. It is not necessary to use a lice shampoo hair with this. So you must wash your hair and head with white wine vinegar that has been heated. The heat is the most efficient therapy will be.

To completely remove all lice and nits you want to preferably use a special lice comb. The hair should be divided into small areas and carefully sifted. You have to spend some time with this to make sure you do not skip any of these annoying pests. To make sure you remove all the lice, and nits is necessary to continue to do this procedure from 7 to 10 times after preliminary treatment. If you come across any nits that have been ignored, just shampoo, rinse with vinegar heated to white and comb through the hair once more. 

The best way to make sure you stay clear of a new infestation would be to clean any clothing or bedding that may have been in connection with the lice on the hottest wash possible. It is not the water and soap that eliminate head lice, is the heat! You can also dry the clothing and bedding in a hot dryer as the heat of successfully kill everyone. 

Any type of hair brushes or combs that have been used should be left immersed in boiling water for five minutes to eliminate any type of lice or nits lurk in it. The white vinegar lice treatment methods are a remedy of all-natural method to remove lice and nits, and it is a safe choice to use chemically based lice removal products, most of which have dangerous side effects!

* Note : Image from Internet

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