Sunday, January 5, 2014

Life expectancy seems to be slipping, It Is Time For A Change?

If you're one of the millions of Baby Boomers who are working hard looking for some fun in the sun and / or adventure after leaving the workday grind behind there seems to be more bad news. The latest numbers in life expectancy have now men who live alone with women 75.6 years on average to 80.6. 

These statistics are quite surprising because the number of people who smoke has decreased, those exposed to second-hand smoke has decreased, the rate of life-saving emergency services has increased. The technological advances in the field of medicine have never been deeper, and the number of prescription medications guaranteed to help us deal with many conditions cannot be treated formally is on the rise as well.

The retirement age for most people was about 65 years old, but due to the current economic environment, many people are having to work well for them seventy years just to be able to carve out a respectable amount of retirement assets to enjoy their golden years. One might conclude that the socio-economic issues have made us a company that works realistically from the cradle to the grave. 

Because we are not living a healthier life with all the advances of modern medicine? 

Obviously, the path we should be enhanced and improved soon, before it's too late. It seems like every day, there is another story of a high-profile man or woman suddenly passes in their 50s and 60s. 

A thread seems to link the first sudden death or cancer or heart disease. 

As far as the cancer goes there have been amazing advances in therapy, but often goes undiagnosed for too long, leaving only a little less than appealing option to extend life a few months, or years, at great expense and a substantial reduction in quality of life. In fact, my pest-control specialist who recently lost his wife told me if he had to do it all over again he felt sure that his wife would have declined more than 50 sessions of chemotherapy and radiation, which destroyed his dignity and only extended his life a few months if that. 

Then there is heart disease. As far as heart disease goes, there are many preventive measures that can be taken to reduce those chances of having a heart attack or stroke. 

One of these, that as a society, we seem to be losing the battle against obesity, with the United States have recently been named the fattest country of the globe. 

As weight increase as more pressure is put on the heart. But while this is bad enough in itself what is worse is that the heart (a muscle) needs to pump 100,000 times a day to keep up with the demands of the body. Because of its workload daunting day gradually loses half of its pumping power for the age of 80. Now, if you throw in the accumulation of cholesterol on the inner lining of the arteries (lumen) that narrows the arteries that make the job even harder heart. Suddenly we have a deadly formula that could easily end up as a heart attack, stroke cardiac arrhythmia, or just some form of heart failure. 

To prevent the narrowing of the artery's most medical professionals suggest lowering cholesterol levels with the help of prescription medications such as statins, or for the more natural cholesterol supplements natural health minded reduction, along with eating a diet low in saturated fat (8 percent of calories or less medical) and every day approved the exercise.

In conclusion, if you are one of the Baby Boomers looking for the numbers of the last hope of life is concerned there is no better time than now to make a change. If you do not know where to start your doctor will be happy to help you, or if you already know what to do, but simply do not, you owe it to yourself and your family, to make a change before you become another statistic.

* Note : Image from Internet

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