Friday, January 10, 2014

Meniscal tears - An Introduction to meniscal tears

We often hear the term following sports injuries called meniscal tear or meniscus tears? What are they, how do they happen, how do we know that we have a meniscal tear, and most importantly, how can we solve them? These are all very important questions and thoughts when you are presented with a meniscal tear. The meniscus is mainly considered a cartilage that is used as a protective " layer " to protect the knee and knee joints. This cartilage is also used to allow the weight body to consume the impact energy that develops on its knee. There are generally two types of meniscus surrounding the knee and the knee joints. The first is called the medial meniscus that consumes the inner part of his knee and the other is called the lateral meniscus, and that is consumed by the outer portion of the right knee.

Meniscal tears occur frequently and are mostly seen among athletes or those who participate in contact sports. Sports include football, basketball. Tennis and football are the most common types of activities in which they are tested meniscal tears. Although a number of factors may contribute to this injury, it most frequently occurs when the knee is planted on the ground and is then rotated in a violent or unorthodox. This twisting motion of the knee and the knee results in a shift of the weight, causing a tear in the cartilage. 

Although people may experience a variety of different symptoms associated with their tear meniscus cartilage. The most common complaint from individuals included pain and swelling around the knee area. The knee is usually sensitive to touch and range of motion may be limited to certain people. In addition, some people may experience the sounds when you extend your knee or when you try to move your knees outward. These sounds were reported as clicking or cracking sounds, and those can sometimes be attributed to the torn meniscal cartilage. In order to ensure that the diagnosis of the tear is correct, you may want to visit a health-care professional that would normally recommend an x-ray or an MRI to make sure the diagnosis is correct. 

Once an individual is diagnosed with a meniscal tear, depending on the severity of the lesion. Some health professionals recommend the surgery to ensure the cartilage is properly repaired, and others may recommend physical therapy. Physical therapy can help you get the knee and its surrounding joints healthy and strong. In some cases, this is all that is necessary for the patient to resume normal day-to-day activities without surgical treatment. Sometimes, however, the physical therapy does not provide the desired results, and that is when surgery is necessary to ensure the individual fully recovers from the tear. Be sure to consult your doctor, this article is strictly for informational purposes only.

* Note : Image from Internet

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