Friday, January 17, 2014

Beat your kids - it will change their lives

Yes, you read that right. I think you should beat your children. Why? Why is it good for them? They need a strong authority figure in their lives. Children are easily influenced. It should not be a hands on parent who just " rumors " their concerns and demands. You need to show your children physically " the way " and to beat them in the process.

Let me share with you some ideas :
  • Your child walks through the door after a long day at school. Instinctively, they head into the kitchen to get a drink and some chips. Here you can get beat in the kitchen. You can make a healthy snack for yourself and prepare one for them. Beat them to the punch. Set a good example.
  • Saturday morning children usually sit around in your pajamas watching cartoons. Not any more! Beat the sofa. They have their clothes and tennis shoes to play willing and ready to go. Let them know that you have planned a special " breakfast in the park. " Bring a healthy meal and a picnic blanket and head to your local park. Take pleasure in each other's company. After a great meal, get physical and enjoy the park. Show them that there are alternatives to the well-being couch potatoes. 
  • Have you ever allowed your children to win because you do not want to damage their self-esteem? I get it. I used to cry when my mom beat me in a foot race. She did not realize at the time, but what eventually teach me to work harder. All cannot be the winner. Teach your child. Ask them to embrace the process of hard work. Praise them for their efforts. If you praise a half-hearted attempt in which " win ", they will never know the importance of the effort. Occasionally BEAT your children during the competitions. Praise their efforts and encourage them to work harder to beat next time.
There are many other examples of when you have to beat your children. None of which include giving them a black eye. Look for opportunities to be the first and beat them to the punch. Let them see mom and dad eat well and engage in physical activities. Lead by example and show them the way. I assure you that if you take the initiative to show them how to live a life of healthy and fitness, it will change their lives for the better.

* Note : Image from Internet

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