Thursday, January 9, 2014

Your Brain and Gut speaks so are you listening?

Many people are starting to take charge of their own health, which means they are starting to listen to what their body is telling them. You might be surprised to learn that your brain and intestine are more connected than you think. So, if something is going on in your brain that is not so good, then you may have a direct effect on your gut and vice versa. It ironic that we are so accustomed to what our body is that we missed the fact that it speaks to us all the time. We just do not hear it until it cries out to us, which is usually in the form of pain. 

How many times have you been so upset that you felt sick to your stomach. Or, how many times have you been excited about something and your stomach starts to make throws or feels as if there are a group of butterflies in there? Obviously, your brain is talking to your gut. These feelings are so normal. However, that we do not even give them a thought. Maybe if we paid attention to the correlation between these two entities within the body, we can learn something very valuable to ourselves that we could improve our health, of course in different ways.

First let's see how this is possible. Where did it all start? It all started when you were taking the shape of a fetus. A section of tissue divided into a section that was to become your central nervous system (brain), and the other piece has become the enteric nervous system (gut). Hence two systems made from the same material identical to the two opposite ends of the body. Now there must be a system of communication between these two if they do in fact, talk to each other a right? Well there is and it is called the vagus nerve. This extends from the skull, down the neck to the abdomen. So there you have a great system of uninterrupted communication from the brain to the abdomen. 

So it is easy to see how the thoughts that occur within the brain can travel up to your gut (abdomen) and say that what is happening so to turn your gut acts accordingly. It really opens up a lot of room for thought to just how your brain to tell your intestines, and many other ways are your gut reaction, that maybe you can now have some control. 

It really has reached the point where we need to start calling out some of the natural resources of our body to help heal us. With all the super bugs that are becoming resistant to many antibiotics, the man has done if we could end up in big trouble.

* Note : Image from Internet

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