Friday, January 31, 2014

Breathe, Breathe Deep

Breathe deep breaths. Move the diaphragm. Add to your overall sense of health and well-being. Deep breathing relaxes, relieves stress and feels just fine. Shallow breathing increase's stress and agitation. Do you have or know someone who has a " short fuse ." How to breathe normally? As you breathe when you are angry? 

And the lower lungs that contain most surface and can therefore absorb more oxygen. If you want the energy that you want to use the lower lungs in order to breathe, breathe deeply. Do not simply expand the chest, this is still shallow breathing. You can catch more air than normal, but not yet enough. Move the breath up in the belly. It is not difficult, just think to take the air to go deep into your abdomen and goes from there. If you are not sure, put a hand just below your navel, your hand should come out, just a little, there is no need to create a flat stomach. Think about where the air is going as you breathe.

Shallow, rapid breathing has been associated with high blood pressure. Deep breathing is relaxing. Deep breathing can help relax the muscles to alleviate, to some extent, the neck and back pain. Deep breathing helps to clear and focus the mind. Some articles I have read indicate that the deep breathing massages the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system works with our circulatory system. The circulatory system carries nutrients to the cells of the lymphatic system and carries away toxins. 

The heart is the pump for the circulatory system. Breathing is the pump for the lymphatic system. We need to breathe well to keep it working as it should. Keeping the lymphatic system works well is part of the reason why deep breathing improves all aspects of your health. It has also been associated with weight loss. For some, the deep belly breathing is considered a good abdominal exercise. I keep an open mind about it. If it is true, it is a bonus. I am happy with all the other benefits.

There is one more possible benefit of deep breathing. Have you heard about ho-oponopono (ho-o-pono-Pono). It is an ancient Hawaiian practice for physical and spiritual healing. One of the techniques of clearing or cleaning was used deep breathing. It is sometimes called the seven breaths. Others call this technique the breath of Ha (the Devine). I do not know if it really cleans your spirit, but it is definitely good for the mind and body. 

To begin, sit comfortably, but sitting in an upright position. Close your eyes if you like. Concentrate on your breathing. 

Inhale with your nose for a count of 7, if you are doing it for spiritual reasons imagine the breath going into every cell, energize the body. 

Hold for 7 points. This is the part that I find difficult, but I was told that the pause is needed. It is supposed that gives the transmission time for work. I do not know, but the energizing effect is greater if you do that if you skip this part. This I know, because being both skeptical and stubborn I tried it both ways. 

Exhale slowly through your nose, again for 7 points. Those who believe in Ho-oponopono say releasing impurities and poisons.

Hold for a count of 7 again. It is a round. 

To do 7 laps. I think you can see why it is sometimes called the 7 breaths. The 7 breaths should be done during a quiet period, not while driving or any other activity that requires your full attention. 

Regular deep breathing can be done anytime, anywhere, just think of how you breathe.

* Note : Image from Internet

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