Saturday, January 4, 2014

Oxygen and Culture

Lack of oxygen, hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues is the fundamental cause of all degenerative diseases. 
Saturation of oxygen in the environment may be important for the sustainability of a particular ecosystem. The first photosynthetic organisms probably evolved about 3,500 million years ago, when all forms of life on Earth were microorganisms, and the atmosphere of carbon dioxide has had much more. These microbes probably first used hydrogen or hydrogen sulfide as sources of electrons, rather than water. 

Oxygen is essential for most forms of life on earth to perform cellular respiration. The products of respiration are CO2 and H2O. The general equation for photosynthesis is the opposite of cellular respiration. Six molecules of water plus six molecules of carbon dioxide, lighter energy (aka HEAT) produces a sugar molecule, plus six molecules of oxygen. 6CO2 6H2O (light-energy) -> C6H12O6 6O2. Plants, algae and some bacteria absorb carbon dioxide, combine with water to form glucose and produce oxygen as a byproduct in the reaction of photosynthesis.

The gas analysis of air bubbles in amber from the age of the dinosaurs 250 million years ago to about 65 million years ago, shows that the levels of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere vary between 26-40% compared to current levels of 21%. Ten thousand years ago it was 38% and after the industrial revolution, we have removed 0.96% oxygen. As long as the environment is not in equilibrium excess carbon dioxide or water vapor accumulates, but the increase of the current levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere indicates that the cycle is no longer in balance. 

It shows that we have reduced the oxygen producing global processes and therefore, cannot work all the carbon dioxide that you produce. The depletion of atmospheric oxygen will continue until it stops burning hydrocarbons faster the environment can absorb, and replenish the oxygen. When fossil fuels are burned are losing three molecules of oxygen in our atmosphere for each molecule of carbon dioxide that is produced. The obvious solution to this imbalance is to increase the photosynthetic biomass mineralizing from the ground and the increase of soil organic matter, coupled with permaculture / Schauberger management of the global water cycle.

There is a fatalistic negative feedback loop in which the socioeconomics of fear means that we cut the trees, pollute, create deserts and bring oxygen destroying radioactive materials to the surface, etc. .. In this way we become more and more deprived of oxygen, which in turn perpetuates and accelerates the neuro-chemistry and the behavior within the culture of fear. Those who are deprived of oxygen can not help but anger and pain hidden beneath their fear and apathy ... the water the body retains this discursive vibration and frequency and epigenetically ensures that the most primitive machiavellian genetic expression, which may allow greater survival in a hostile environment. 

Survival under stress we regress to the most basic mode of consciousness, where there is the opportunity above morality and craft ruthless, cunning and deceptions are used to maintain the authority and power. Numb and dumb who plunder and blunder with the Pandora's box of our nuclear nightmare. Knowing the broader spiritual and cognitive oxygen content of our atmosphere can be set to the greening of the planet, and then create the conditions for a civilization with a genius for health or moral intuition.

As I said scientists have shown that the Earth's atmosphere today contains only half the oxygen than what the human body was designed for. This means that even a healthy person gets only half the amount of oxygen needed to enjoy life to the fullest. Sedentary lifestyle, poor food, lack of exercise, daily stress, negative emotions and shallow breathing further contribute to chronic " low " levels of oxygen throughout the body. 

Even our food lacks oxygen due to chemical agriculture, early harvest, time (storage and transport), cooking, freezing and processing. Other things that inhibit the cell's ability to use oxygen are trans fats, altered, processed and junk food, excess food, cooked food, boiled water, aspartame, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals, pollution, cigarettes, positive ions, radiation, drugs, sugar, white flour, alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks.

Infection also depletes oxygen in the body, that is used to fight bacteria and other pathogens. In contrast, the oxygen neutralizes environmental toxins, and destroys anaerobic bacteria infectious and parasitic diseases. Due to the fact that almost all disease thrives in a low-oxygen environment, increasing the level of oxygen is the most immediate life positive action we can do. Many aspects of aging are the result from an accumulation of toxins in our tissues, poor tissue oxygenation, and a weakening of the immune system is no longer able to resist the attacks of toxins in the environment. The lack of oxygen prevents the flushing of waste products and toxins resulting in becoming poisoned blood, often slow and ineffective. Life is in the blood. The flow of blood is the river of life. When blood is clean, has high oxygen and microbes and cancer cells cannot live in high concentrations of oxygen. The cancer and the disease is so widespread that demonstrates our culture are significantly deprived of oxygen. 

From : " Blood and sheer vitality are abundant agency's adequate protection of the life of every man. " Herbert M. Shelton. 

* Note : Image from Internet

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