Thursday, January 16, 2014

Top 10 ways to feel better and look great

  1. Thirty minutes of activity a day - For optimal health is strongly recommended that all participate in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise or daily activities. Make sure you sweat and increase your heart rate throughout. 
  2. Weight train once a week - Resistance training builds lean muscle. The more lean muscle of a person, the faster their metabolism. A fast metabolism burns calories faster and helps you to maintain an ideal body weight.
  3. Stretch in the Morning - Daily stretching not only feels great, but it helps you stay flexible and allow a full range of motion in a joint, which allows you to complete daily activities and movements with greater ease and confidence.
  4. Know your calorie range - Most people are consuming more calories in a day of their body can burn. This is how you gain weight. About 3,500 calories equal 1 pounds. Try cutting 500 calories a day, 7 days a week. This should result in about 1 pounds of weight loss per week. Add daily exercise to burn and lose more.
  5. Eat nutritional foods - Junk food has no nutritional value, is digested quickly and leaves feeling hungry. Fill a healthy diet leans cuts of meats, fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, grains, healthy fats and plenty of water for optimal performance and increased energy. 
  6. Create your beauty sleep - Most people do not get enough sleep during the night. To help alleviate the stress and recover more quickly from work or sports and exercise, 8 hours of sleep per day is strongly recommended.
  7. Drink more water - I could write a top 10 reasons to drink more water, and the item still would not be enough to all the important health benefits that come with it. Everything from weight loss, the complexion of the skin, to help the body to digest food, to feel less tired, drink more water helps with almost everything.
  8. Eat every few hours - Your metabolism is like a campfire. If you leave it unattended for too long, it will burn. Just like throwing logs on the fire, your body needs to consume food every two hours to keep your metabolism burning strong. Always eat breakfast to get it started and then small meals or healthy snacks every two hours during the day. Stay within your calorie range.
  9. Enjoy the sun - The sun is needed to sustain all forms of life. Without it, we do not exist. It gives us a healthy glow. It is a great source of vitamin D for bone growth strong and healthy, and leaves us excited, feeling full of life.
  10. Take your vitamins - A safe and secure way to make sure you are getting your daily dose of vitamins, would be to take a multi vitamin every morning. Multi Vitamins and B-complex vitamins are very popular among people whose diet may be lacking certain foods.
* Note : Image from Internet

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