Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The 5 most important things you can do to stay healthy

The current crisis in health, reflects the premise that the cure of diseases is the essence of health. However, as evidence accumulates that modern medicine is not as good at curing life-threatening diseases such as today's society is their creation, it seems that a more useful approach to the health and well-being would be one that emphasizes healthy eating and prevention as well as treatment.

This article discusses the five most important things that I personally, and I hope that you are willing to do to stay healthy and well. Here they are :

1.) Be familiar with your state of health. Know more about your health, both when something ails you, and when you feel good, it helps you to live a healthier lifestyle. Reduce your fear of health problems of the quality of life. People who take an active interest not only in their disease, but also in their general state of health are 15% more likely to feel that their health problems are not reducing their satisfaction with life.

2.) Eating grapes and oranges and grapes and drink are orange juice regularly. The bioflavonoids (chemical compounds related to vitamin C) in grape juice interferes with the process by which cholesterol adheres arteries. The regular consumption of grape juice reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis and lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke. Vitamin C, which is found in many fruits, including oranges, also inhibits the process of artery obstruction as well as lowers the blood pressure. Regular consumption of vitamin C is found to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and premature death.

3.) Having a tomato in different ways. Unlike most fruits and vegetables, tomato preserves its effects on health in any form - raw or cooked. Include some form of tomato product in the diet if it is canned, raw, cooked, in soups, sauces, ketchup or juice, at least five times a week. This provides enough lycopene (a member of the family of protection and immunity-building carotenoids) to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease in half, and to improve the health of the lungs, eyes and skin.

4.) Eat less, but eat more often. If you are thinking of cutting back on the amount of food that is eaten by cutting the number of times you eat, do not. Eating fewer times reduces the efficiency of our bodies in food processing as fuel. In other words, skipping meals maximizes the caloric impact of the food we eat. One study found that people who ate five or six times a day had total cholesterol levels lower than 5% and 45% more likely to be able to support their weight goal that people ate once or twice per day.

5.) Choose a doctor you can connect with. It important to have a doctor who you can connect with. We need to have a good feeling toward our doctor. This includes knowing that our doctor is really listening to us and responding positively to our concerns, rather than see us as just another number. People who rate their physicians as friend lies were twice as likely to seek medical attention at the first sign of danger, and were three times more likely to follow medical instructions.

These five simple, but important things are the essence of what I do to stay healthy. I'm sure it will work for you.

* Note : Image from Internet

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