Friday, January 31, 2014

Can a Busy Person Be Healthy Too?

If you're worried about staying healthy and fit, you're probably reading articles on a regular basis to encourage you to do things like work six days a week, eat more home-cooked meals, and meditate on a daily basis. But if you have a full-time job, a long commutes, children, and a nursing home. You might think: " When should I sleep? " You know, of course, that you need to do that too! On top of all of your responsibilities, you may feel stressed by all the things that you should do to stay healthy. You may even feel a bit guilty that you are not providing them with everything inside.

It possible that a busy person to be healthy too? With a little of foresight and planning, the answer is " Yes! " There are a number of recommendations to help you incorporate healthy practices into your life. Choose one or two at a time to try to help you determine what will work for you without causing you to feel overwhelmed.

Time Management. 

Small group, attainable goals and write them down. Then plan the steps that take you to reach into your planner. Be sure to plan everything, including exercise and relaxation. If you feel you do not have enough time to devote to self-care, keep a log of everything you do for a few days, you'll most likely find at least a couple of pockets of that time were slipping unnoticed.

It is not necessary to cut out completely, but limit the time spent watching TV. To paraphrase Cheryl Richardson, author of Take Time for Your Life, every minute of your day should be spent in activities that lead toward your goals. Put the time spent waiting to good use: to bring a good book to read or respond to e-mails waiting to see your doctor or dentist. 


Fit your training sessions short in your program. Many experts believe that it is possible to maintain physical fitness doing three workouts of 20 minutes per week. You can find any number of fast online workouts that include both aerobics and weight training. For this to be effective. However, we must make them count working hard for those 20 minutes.

If you cannot manage 60 minutes per week, do what you can. Sometimes we think, " I only have 10 minutes. I cannot either. " But those are precious 10 minutes during which you can: 1) slip on your sneakers and go for a brisk walk, 2) enable bit of music and dance around the house, 3) stretch, or 4) grab some hand weights or two bottles of water and does a little squat, biceps curl and triceps kickbacks. 

Preparation of meals.

Use lists for grocery shopping. In fact, if you know you tend to buy a lot of the same food and household items, take some time to create a list of standard expense that you can print out and tick off as you go through the week. Using the lists will prevent you from having to run to the store for something that could be forgotten.

Cook simple meals. These can often be the healthiest. If you like to cook meals more complicated, set aside one or two nights a week for those who simply cook and the rest of the week. If you look at new recipes, set their own guidelines for selecting them. For example, decide not to select any recipe that has more than eight ingredients, or any ingredient that will require a trip to a specialty store. Brush up and use the slow cooker. You can find many healthy recipe's slow cooker online. Create a 21-day meal plan dinner and rotate the same recipes. You will have a variety, but you will not have to spend time every day thinking about what you're going to cook. 

Cook once and eat twice - always make enough for leftovers for lunch the next day or for dinner another night. Dedicate one night or Sunday afternoon to cook for the week. Divide your meals into portions and refrigerate or freeze. Cut the vegetables in advance that you will use for recipes that do not freeze well, like a stir fry, for example. Whole grains are part versatile or main dishes. Bake a batch of large rice, quinoa, or buckwheat. Cooked whole grains will keep well in the refrigerator for up to five days. Take what you need for a meal and add the ingredients that make it suitable for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

From a food co-op. Find friends or neighbors who would be willing to cook a meal for many families. One day each week, one person is responsible for cooking and delivering a meal to all the other families in the co-op. Although it is located just three other participants, which are three nights each week will not have to cook! 

Stress Management. 

Most likely, you know that it is important to manage stress, but finding the time to sit quietly and let your mind may seem out of the question for you. Assemble small pockets of relaxation techniques in your program: counting your blessings, while in the checkout line of food, making a deep breathing exercise while sitting at a traffic light, or practice a moving meditation while walking or meditation awareness, while you brush your teeth or wash the dishes.

Weigh your options healthy. For example, you can try to avoid heating food in a microwave oven. But if you come home from work late at night, and you're standing next to the stove stressing out while the food is warm, thinking about how tired and hungry you are, how close you go to sleep you'll be eating and what it will do to the weight, how you are going to have another dish to wash, etc., stop and consider what damage that stress can do for you compared to the damage it could cause food after a minute in the microwave.

Pending or even trying to achieve perfection in any area of ​​your life is a heavy load to carry. When you have a particularly difficult week, relax your standards, you can pick up where you left off when things slow down. Yes, shopping at the farmer's market is a great idea for a number of reasons. But if you're overwhelmed and just cannot make it there, as well as a trip to the grocery store, give yourself a pass. 

No matter how busy your life, with a little planning and preparation, you can still achieve wellness. When you're trying to find a balance, think about what your time is worth and what is truly important to you. Being hard on yourself causes only more stress. Keep in mind that every little step you take will bring you one step closer to achieving your health goals.

* Note : Image from Internet

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