Saturday, January 11, 2014

How to regain our proper nutrition

How do we regain our right nutritional balance? We begin replacing our processed foods with natural food grains. It does not matter if you're a parent of a child. You can be a strong energetic 30 year old or a senior. We all need proper nutrition. The concept of all the food is food in its natural state. Examples of these foods are seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains. Now all this sounds easier than it actually. Since a good diet consists of whole foods and 75% of the food in our local supermarkets fall into the category of treatment with a kind of additive, sometimes you may feel that there is nothing left to eat. It is important to realize first that this is something that happens over time. Make small changes, I offer my grandchildren fruit, or fruit cups sugar-free, when they are looking for a snack, and you would be surprised at how much they are willing to take it. Start learning to read labels on packages. 

I could go into a whole list of what to look for on the labels, but mostly you want to try and stay away from synthetic ingredients, and that is easier said than done. We hear about organic fruits and vegetables, but they also have some pesticides put on them. They have to have a crop to sell. The difference is that they are safer in the long run and with not less than organic. On the down side, are also more expensive, and in certain cases. 

At this time, I just want to reassure you that eating healthy is actually not difficult, it just takes a lot of practice. The more you do, the more it becomes a habit. I found that after a while, 'you do not even realize that you are. As for the food that we personally classify the comfort foods I'm not saying to give them up if they fall in the a wrong category. Beware of anyone who tries to take my chocolate away from me when I really needed it. In addition to the thin, dark chocolate is that it is really good for you in moderation, I said that in the last 65 years. 

With all the information out there on the diseases that we face today, which is directly related to our power, or can be helped by proper nutrition is something that can no longer be kept on our to-do list. Now we have to put on our must do list now.

* Note : Image from Internet

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