Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What foods contain electrolytes?

Muscles contract electrolytes, generate electricity, and move fluids and water within the body. Some examples of electrolytes are sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium and magnesium. Electrolytes are found in fruit juices, milk, and many fruits and vegetables (eg, avocados, potatoes, bananas).

It can get electrolytes from many healthy foods. 

As no one really knows Electrolytes? The word, electrolytes, has recently become a household word because a lot of people are familiar with all the current sports drinks. You've probably read the electrolytes that are good for you and are important to have when you're dehydrated or sick. But the fact is that when you are sick, sugary sports drinks are the last thing that your body really needs. Did you know that you can also get electrolytes from many healthy foods? 

The real facts about Electrolytes : 

Electrolytes are liquids, solids or gases, which contain ions electrically conductive and can be measured by laboratory studies of the blood serum. The public was not aware of until a few electrolyte sports drinks started making statements that contained more electrolytes than water. People who work outside or are physically active when they lose electrolytes through sweat and need to replenish their electrolytes to regain their energy. The sweat is usually made up of 99 percent water and electrolytes one percent.

Types of Electrolytes : 

What you probably have not been told is that the best source of electrolytes is from food, not sugary drinks. A lot of vegetables, Whether canned, fresh or frozen, are high in electrolytes, as well as fruit, bread and milk. Mashed potatoes with salt added is best), avocados, nuts, soy products, coconut milk, red and white wine, bread and most meats are all options sufficient to supply the needs of the electrolytes your body. However, excessive intake of inorganic sulfates can cause diarrhea.

Salty foods Also can be used for the replacement of sodium electrolyte. Meats, peanut butter - all Of These sources are. Also effective for the replacement of chloride. Which is another electrolyte. That can be lost along with the sodium through sweating. Excessive intake of sodium chloride can cause high blood pressure can cause heart problems Which I watch how much you consume.

Potassium is an electrolyte That Can Also be lost through sweat. It can be replaced with fruits: such as bananas, dairy products, vegetables, nuts and meats. When Replaced through food alone, they're not have been documented or reported side effects, but replacement through supplementation of potassium can cause hyperkalemia. An overload of potassium can lead to sudden death in people with health problems or renal failure.

Spring water or tap water does not contain electrolytes. But the water with a pinch of salt, sugar and floor added to it Will Provide your body with a lot of electrolytes.

Misconceptions about Electrolytes : 

You are advised not to drink large amounts of water to rehydrate yourself when you have been exercising. Rather, you should drink small amounts of water while at the same time to eat an energy bar to fill your electrolytes. Sports drinks are loaded with sugar, but there are some? Sugar-free brands out there if you look for them. When the body is still active during training, will have a difficult time absorbing electrolytes until you are stopped for a little rest. So while you are engaged in a hard physical workout, just take in small amounts of water until you can get to the point of rest for a short period. 

The Benefits of Electrolytes : 

If your electrolytes are right, you will experience fewer cramps and muscle spasms, increased At endurance and less pain after a workout. If you wake up at night with muscle spasms or cramps, just put a pinch of salt in a glass of water and drink a few sips. During the night, your body will replenish electrolytes ITS, and you will not experience the same severity of cramps the day after. 

A notice on Electrolytes :

Beef Jerky is high in electrolytes, but should not be eaten regularly. Carcinogens are present in smoked foods, and even though most of the dried meat eaters do not eat enough shots to become ill, it is still important to eat small amounts of it, if you are working, but not more than a couple of times per week. Beef Jerky is very salty so it is a wonderful source of electrolytes, but it is a great source of all other nutrients. 

Some Homeopathic Remedies for replenishing electrolytes : 

Epsom Salt soaks - To replenish electrolytes needed immediately, create an Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), bathroom, allowing you to absorb minerals directly into the pores of the body. Put 2 cups of Epsom salt in a hot bath every week. 

Hydration is important - Everyone should drink plenty of water every day, and you can add a teaspoon of salt for every 8 ounces of water you drink as an added bonus, contributing to a proper electrolyte balance. It very important to stay hydrated if you regularly work. Sweating and exercise deplete electrolytes so you need to take these precautions before starting any strenuous activity. 

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