Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Experts Recommend exercise cardiology as Number One preventive measure

Cardiology Specialists see the effects of a heart poorly maintained every day. While some heart problems cannot be avoided, such as congenital heart defects, severe heart problems can often be prevented or greatly improved by a program of regular exercise. New studies have shown that even moderate exercise done regularly can improve the function and heart health.

Good exercise heart is not pumping iron in the gym. In order to reap the benefits of the heart, you need to elevate your heart rate through cardiovascular exercise, such as brisk walking, riding a bike or jumping rope, and maintain the high level of heart rate for a period of time. The heart is a muscle like any other, but it works in a different way. Pumping iron does not strengthen the heart muscle, as the biceps and quads. The only way to strengthen the heart muscle is through cardiovascular exercise.

Experts of Cardiology recommend a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes of exercise at least four times a week. This works out to about every other day. Each year, the heart will be better than no exercise at all, but 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a day is a great way to look and feel better. Walking is a not only good exercise for the heart is the number one recommended treatment for back pain and the most common physical therapy effective for stroke victims. People who suffer from arthritis also keep their mobility longer when you maintain an exercise program such as walking regularly.

Cardiology specialists also recommend that a healthy diet, quitting smoking and drinking to maintain a moderate amount in order to maintain the health of the heart. A healthy diet is low in nutrients and high in fat and cholesterol. Healthy portions of fruits and vegetables with small portions of meat, bread, butter and sugar are the building blocks for a healthy diet. Diabetics and people with health considerations may have more stringent requirements than other foods.

Always consult your doctor to get a good before starting any diet or exercise program. Even if training is recommended for people in good health, others may be advised to avoid exercise safely. Always consult your physician for a year following heart surgery program or any other medical procedure. Physical therapists can be a great benefit after surgery, and their services are often covered by health insurance.

* Note : Image from Internet

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