Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Symptoms of Cholesterol - How can you tell that you have a cholesterol problem?

A lot of people, especially that who is health conscious are usually very concerned about the symptoms of high cholesterol. Having high levels of cholesterol in the blood can cause health hazards and increases the risk of heart disease or cardiovascular disease. It's very important to know these symptoms so that if you have the implications of having high-cholesterol levels, immediate action can be taken to put an end to it.

One thing that is surprising is there are no symptoms of high cholesterol in most cases. Unlike other conditions that have outward signs and obvious, this condition has no symptoms. The surest way to know and only if a person has high-cholesterol levels is through a blood test. The laboratory can control the different levels of cholesterol (lipoproteins, low-density lipoprotein high density) in the blood. If the doctor sees that a person has, in fact high-cholesterol levels, may prescribe medication and ask the patient to change his lifestyle and eating habits.

If you have obvious symptoms of high cholesterol, which could mean that there is no imminent cardiovascular disease. A good example of high cholesterol is a symptom leg pain while running or walking. This is what doctors call as intermittent claudication. Because high-cholesterol levels can cause fatty deposits that clog arteries, blood flow may be poor in the lower extremities, and then cause pain upon moving. Poor circulation could be very dangerous, and with a poor blood supply to the lower limbs could make the parts die. 

Another symptom of high cholesterol is a cardiovascular problem in thrombus formation. A thrombus is a blood clot that could impede or block the circulation, especially in the brain. This could cause a blood vessel to become stuck or broken and could lead to a stroke. For this case, immediate attention is required and the person should be taken to a hospital immediately.

Other high cholesterol symptoms is angina, or chest pain with difficulty breathing. In the heart, if there are the coronary arteries, then there is less blood supply to the heart. Any muscle that is deprived of blood, oxygen and nutrient's necessary signal to the brain and register as pain. This symptom is a sign of an impending heart attack. The doctor has to be justified to be solved immediately.

There are no known symptoms of high cholesterol, so it would be wise to have routine blood tests done to see if there are signs of high-cholesterol levels. It should be remembered that high levels of cholesterol predispose a person to develop heart problems in the future. It is also important to practice a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of cholesterol problems. Eating healthy foods is not enough, you must make sure you have enough exercises. 

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