Friday, February 7, 2014

How to ruminate affects your physical and mental health

Ruminating - that is, trying in his mind over and over again about what might be people or events that have already occurred - it is something that many of us do every day and for long periods of time. Most of us feel that rumination is harmless and just a bad habit, but in reality, it can cause damage to our bodies and minds. 

Rumination can be separated into two zones - mulling over something or someone or reflecting on a person or an event. Reflecting appears to be less harmful because it can sometimes solve a problem, but hatching can be harmful because it is not a negative emotion and proactive behavior. Rumination can occur at any time and become addictive. If left unchecked, can negatively affect their work, activities and extra circular report.

There is a price we pay for rumination and here is a list of ways in which we pay a price. 

1.) Problem solving. Most of us face the problems and solve them successfully and move on, but with those that chew the cud, they take this process too far. Ruminators groped to spend hours to solve a problem and then even after you have solved the problem, continue to rehash the events in their mind over and over again. If a person ruminates a problem in his mind for days and days, it affects their behavior affects their sleep, and soon a person is shocked and upset for a long time.

2.) Depression and anxiety. When a person ruminates continuously, he or she will be soon depressed,  anxious and worried about all situations. Ruminators constantly think about what they did, what they must do and what might happen in the decisions they make. Because they are always in a state concerned, their declining health and soon discover that no one wants to be around them.

So, the question is: how can someone overcome rumination? The answer to this question is basically an easy one. To overcome rumination, Selby (2011) writes: " The answer is simple, to overcome rumination you must engage in some kind of activity that completely fills the mind and prevents your thoughts drift back to the problem." 

Keeping busy with activities meaningfully, the place from ruminant ruminates about problems or concerns. It will take time, but it will be worth it, because it will change the behavior of the ruminant by a worrying and negativity in a more positive way of dealing with life. The activities that contribute to the ruminant to get his thoughts out of concern are: exercise, reading a book, talking with a friend or an interesting trade.

* Note : Image from Internet

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