Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Simple guidelines on how to be healthy

Because health is wealth, you should look for effective ways on how to be healthy. Luckily, for you, should not be as hard as most require only a few steps. If you want to change for the better, continue reading to learn some guidelines about embracing a lifestyle healthy. 

Start with a well-balanced diet. Load up on fresh fruits, vegetables and lean cuts of meat. You can drop by your local health and fitness store to pick up some supplements, as most of them are available OTC anyway. 

While you need to have a lot of foods that are good for you, you'll also avoid some bad. Reduce your consumption of processed foods as they are loaded with preservatives and other harmful chemicals. Steer clear of junk food or anything with bad fats and excessive amounts of sugar. 

Drink plenty of water for hydration and flushing out toxins. Experts suggest for you to have about 8 to 12 glasses each day. It also helps promote regular bowel movement. 

Reduce your intake of caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee and soft drinks. Instead, go for herbal teas, as they are beneficial to health, and are good sources of antioxidants. Also, if all together you cannot avoid the intake of alcohol, limit yourself to about a cup each time. 

Have your regular dose of exercise. According to fitness professionals, you should have at least 20 minutes of at least 5 times a week. Go for cardio exercises and aerobics, or those that increase the heart rate and breathing. You really do not need to go to the gym. You can simply go for a swim, dance, ride a bike, clean the house or take a walk. 

Some people claim that they are too busy with their 9-to-5 job so you do not have time to exercise. But with a little creativity, you can get your regular dose of it. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a few blocks away from your office building and walk the rest of the distance. When you talk on the phone, stand up. 

If you are a smoker, it is better to give up the habit. Many people have a hard time going cold turkey, so do it gradually. You can also make use of an electronic cigarette to help you curb nicotine addiction. 

Having a hobby as it helps to reduce stress and is a great example of how to be healthy. It can be as simple as painting, writing in a journal, keep a blog, listening to music or have a pet. For what is necessary to avoid stress, you also need to avoid people who talk about negative things. 

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