Monday, February 24, 2014

The obesity can kill

The Obesity - I said it! Most of you, I'm sure, have given this a thought or two bad word, especially in light of our most-recent holiday season. I think it's time to give a little more than just a thought and, more importantly, begin to seriously consider acting on these thoughts before this word becomes a serious harm to your health! Obesity is becoming an epidemic in this country, as the numbers below a show.

And please do not make the mistake of believing that it is only a matter of aesthetics. Far from it. As you will see, obesity can have a drastic effect on your life, in all the wrong ways. Frankly, it can kill. According to the Institute National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, there are almost 100 million Americans, including 40 million Baby Boomers - who are overweight or even obese, and therefore, face the risk of various chronic diseases, as well as potential problems musculo-skeletal disorders. 

This, despite the fact that we are the generation that is supposedly the savviest in terms of exercise and good eating habits! Did you know, for example, that between the ages of 30-39, 47% of women in the United States are considered overweight / obese? And just in case you guys if I forget thee, between the ages of 50-59, 73% of us are overweight / obese! These are not insignificant numbers!

But what is obesity? Well, I'm glad you asked. There is a useful formula to help calculate whether our middle age is going or has gone too far. It's called the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared and then multiplying by 704.5. A desirable BMI is 21. Overweight and obesity start at 25 is 30 or higher.

The medical implications of this are manifold. Extensive clinical studies link obesity to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis and some cancers. Yes, I said cancer. The American Heart Association recently reclassified obesity upward to a major risk factor for a heart attack.

Who has gained more than 25 pounds since age 18 should seriously consider seeing a doctor? And please do this before you start an exercise program. It could very well be on the road to diabetes or signs of impending coronary artery disease and not know it. Only a thorough medical check-up will tell you if you are developing one of these conditions. So, while you should be commended for wanting to change his lifestyle to combat this problem, get a check-up before you make sure you can follow-through with these wonderful wishes safely! 

You may also think that you've tried shedding pounds before you reach your " ideal " weight and have been disappointed. It is perfectly natural to feel this way, but you should not. I suggest not to think of the term " ideal " rather than think " healthy ". And much better than people who are overweight or obese focuses on a healthy weight, rather than probably unattainable " ideal " weight. Remember, " Ideal " is just a bunch of numbers on some chart-insurance do not take into account the individual nuances that can make the " ideal " impossible to achieve. A weight " healthy " is much more realistic and can result in a loss of only 5-10 percent of the weight. It will make a difference. 

Well, now you're motivated. This is the first and, in my opinion, the most important step. The next step is action. That starts with a visit to your doctor to discuss the plan that best suits your particular needs. But all this is that the plans, please keep in mind one very important fact - there is no quick fix! This will be the start of a marathon that will hopefully last for the rest of your life, not a sprint for a couple of months. 

Get together with your physician to develop a program of weight reduction and maintenance. Remember, it can be done and is being done every day. Good luck. 

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